Three Pieces (1917) without opus, TN 19 (Rachmaninov)

Sergei Rachmaninov (1873–1943)

Three Pieces (1917) without opus, TN 19

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1. Oriental Sketch, B-dur
2. Prelude, d-moll
3. Fragments, As-dur

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Oriental Sketch. CD 2012

Fragments. CD 2012

`Fragments`. St. Petersburg, 2017. (Encore)

«Fragments». Record in 2014.

Oriental Sketch. Recording: 30th Street Studio, New York City (USA), June 18, 1975.

`Fragments`. February 2017, Paris

Recorded in the early 1960s. Released on LP in the 1970s. Re-issued on CD in 2011.


Prelude for Piano in D minor (1917)

Oriental Sketch



Prelude for piano in D minor (1917)


Oriental Sketch. Appril 25-28, 2003, Berlin


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