Chorale partita `O Gott, du frommer Gott` c-moll, BWV  767 (Bach)

Johann Sebastian Bach (1685–1750)

Chorale partita `O Gott, du frommer Gott` c-moll, BWV 767

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Recorded in 1958-67.

2008, eglise Saint-Louis-en-l`Île, Paris

1992, Dorpskerk, Wassenaar, Nederland


Recorded in Copenhagen (Denmark), December 1969.

Recorded in 1966 in the church of the village. Reinhardtsgrimm (Germany) on a Silbermann organ built in 1731. From the LP series `Bachs Orgelwerke auf Silbermannorgeln' (GDR)


Recorded: April 2015, UK.



1993, Broederkerk, Kampen, Nederland


Entry - 1992, Switzerland.

Viktor Bossart Orgel, Klosterabtei Einsiedeln.

Recorded at Abbaye Saint-Benoît-du-Lac, Quebec (Canada), October 2011.


Amsterdam, 1972-73

Silbermann-Orgel, Ev. Kirche, Reinhardtsgrimma / 2017.


1976, église réformée de Netstal, Suisse



Schnitger/Hinz organ in the Martinikerk (Martin’s Church), Groningen. Recording: 2014 at the Martinikerk, Groningen, Netherlands


16-17 September 1999. Place of recording: Petruskerk, Leens (NL).


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