1st book of madrigals:  7. Fiume ch a l onde tue (Antonio Ongaro),  (d`India)

Sigismondo d`India (1582–1629)

1st book of madrigals: 7. Fiume ch a l onde tue (Antonio Ongaro)


To the verses of the Italian poet Antonio Ongaro (c. 1560, Padua - 1593, Valentano).
Despite his short life, he managed to create a high reputation for himself. On his tombstone in the collegiate...Read more
To the verses of the Italian poet Antonio Ongaro (c. 1560, Padua - 1593, Valentano).
Despite his short life, he managed to create a high reputation for himself. On his tombstone in the collegiate church of Valentano is engraved at his request: `DOM ONGARUS HIC / IACEO ME ANNIS / PERYSSE VIATOR / DIC IVVENEM FAMA / SED PERIISSE SENEM`. (I, Ongaro, are buried here, o traveler, say that I died young for years, old for glory).


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recorded in 2000 in Roletto (Italy)



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