Opera `Flavius ​​Bertaridus, or King of the Lombards` (1729), TWV 21:27 (Telemann)

Georg Philipp Telemann (1681–1767)

Opera `Flavius ​​Bertaridus, or King of the Lombards` (1729), TWV 21:27

Opera in three acts
Libretto - Christoph Gottlieb Wend, Georg Philipp Telemann

Show records by: listenings count | performer's rating | alphabetical
Flavius Bertaridus - Maite Beaumont, alto / Rodelinda - Nina Bernsteiner, soprano / Flavia - Ann-Beth Solvang, mezzo soprano / Grimoaldus – Antonio Abete, bass / Cunibert - Katerina Tretyakova, soprano / Orontes - Jürgen Sacher, tenor / Onulfus - David DQ Lee, countertenor / Regimbert - Mélissa Petit, soprano / Academia Montis Regalis / Conductor – Allessandro de Marchi / 2012



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