Richard Wagner (1813–1883)Opera `Das Liebesverbot oder Die Novize von Palermo` (1834-36), WWV 38 Download Sheet Music
`The Ban of Love, or The Novice of Palermo`
Show records by: listenings count | performer's rating | alphabetical
Raimund Herincx - Friedrich, Alexander Young - Luzio, Ian Caley - Claudio, Neil Jenkins - Antonio, William Elvin - Angelo, April Cantelo - Isabella, Ilse Wolf - Mariana, Lawrence Richard - Brighella, Leslie Fyson - Danieli, Elizabeth Gale - Dorella, David Lennox - Pontio Pilato. BBC Nothern Symphony Orchestra. BBC Nothern Singers. May 23, 1976, London.
Wolfgang Sawallisch
Hermann Prey
Bayerische Staatsoper Orchester,
Bavarian State Opera Choir
Friedrich - Hermann Prey, Luzio - Wolfgang Fassler, Claudio - Robert Schunk, Antonio - Friedrich Lenz, Brighella - Alfred Kuhn, Isabella - Sabine Hass, Marianna - Pamela Coburn, Dorella - Marianne Seibel, Angelo - Keith Engen, Danieli - Raimund Grumbach, Pontio Pilato - Hermann Sapell. September 7, 1983.