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Performed by the Kecskesh Ensemble: Gerard Le Vu (tenor), Istvan Toth (block flute, drum, kobza), Istvan Sabo (block flute, zurna, kobza, tambourine, psaltery), Lilya Varhey (lyre, rebek, bass rebek), Tamash Kish (organistrum, rattle, saz, kobza, lyre), Mikuu Montanaro (galybet, bass-galybet, tabor, harp) - Andras Kechkesh (hands. ensemble, tambour, oud, tambourine, crotals, irish harp). 1986.
Sandra Hurtado-Ros, Martina de Peyra, Gisela Bellsola (vocals), Robert Guy (oud, lute), Veronique Condessi (harp), Maurice Moncose (flute, vocals, shalmay), Isabelle Bonnadier (cistra, daf, vocals), Denis Doling (flute), Patrice Villaume (organistrum, timpanon), Valerie Lume (zither, daf), Michel Maldonado (rebec, fidel), Dominique Rejef (rebec) - vocals and hands. the ensemble of Gerard Zucchetto. CD `La Trò