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Performed by: Christophe Tellar (wheel lyre, bagpipes, flute), Andreas Linos (Fidel, tanbur), Antoine Morigno (daf, tombac, oud), Spyros Halaris (eve). Chapel of Notre-Dame de Bon Secours, Paris, 2009.
Robert Guy (oud), Gerard Melu (oud), Maurice Moncose (flute, rebec), Andre Rochard (oud, Fidel, gittern, ney), Louis Soret (oud, fidel, ney), Patrice Villaume (fidel, timpanon), Rene Zosso (Fidel), Dominique Rejef (rebeck), Thierry Gomar (percussion) - vocals and hands. the ensemble of Gerard Zucchetto. CD La Trò
Gérard Zuchetto (voice, horn flute, pan flute, guimbardes), Dominique Regel (rebec, israj, hurdy-gurdy), Jacques Khoudir (derboukas, bendirs, percussions) / Ev. Kirche Peter und Paul auf Nikolskoe, 1991