Tetralogy `Ring of the Nibelungs` (III): Opera `Siegfried` (fragments),  (Wagner)

Richard Wagner (1813–1883)

Tetralogy `Ring of the Nibelungs` (III): Opera `Siegfried` (fragments)


Show records by: listenings count | performer's rating | alphabetical
14 May 1947 - Siegfried`s horn call

Nothung neidliches Schwert. Stockholm, after 1965.

Act 2: Waldweben. Recorded: April 1958, Paris.

Scene of the forging of a sword from the 1st act of the opera `Siegfried`. Recorded 1903

Siegfried ``Aria of the Forge``. Orchestre du Théâtre National de l`Opéra, Louis Fourestier (conductor). Recorded in France, 1940s.

Sword forging scene

June 1950 - Act 2 `Forest Murmurs`

Act III - Ewig War Ich. Recorded: May 7, 1928, Berlin.

`Siegfried`. 2 fragments from the 3rd scene of the 3rd act: 1)Heil dir, Sonne! 2) Ewig war ich, ewig bin ich. Brunhilda - Frida Leider, Siegfried - Rudolf Laubenthal. Orchestra of the Berlin State Opera. Conductor Leo Blech. 1927.

Siegfried - Waldweben - The MET Orchestra

Ewig War Ich (in French) record of 1929.

3rd scene of act 3 (34 minutes). May 27, 1932 (live). London, Covent Garden. Dir. Robert Heger. Siegfried - Lauritz Melchior, Brunhilde - Florence Easton. - See the comment

16 September 1925 - Act 2 `Forest Murmurs` - Orchestra Unknown

November 1923 - Act 1 Two forging sings - Conductor and orchestra unknown.

`Siegfried`: Nothung! Nothung! Neidliches Schwert! Leo Slezak. Vienna, May 1902.

ald Çàïèñü (live) - 7 äåêàáðÿ 1988., Ìþíõåí

2 November 1956 - Excerpt: Forest Murmurs

11/12 October 1968 - Excerpt: Forest Murmurs

Act 2: Waldweben (`The Rustle of the Forest`) 1951.

Siegfried: Nothung! Neidliches Schwert (1 act). Siegfried – J.Urlus. 1916.

aria `Dir Unweisen ruf` ich ins Ohr` from the album `Wagner Arias. Michael Volle` (2017)

Verwandlugsmusik Akt III // 1929



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