Trio Sonata op.3 No. 5 in D minor,  (Corelli)

Arcangelo Corelli (1653–1713)

Trio Sonata op.3 No. 5 in D minor

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1. Grave - Andante
2. Allegro
3. Largo
4. Allegro

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Sayuri Yamagata, violin, Albert Bruggen, cello, David van Ooijen, archilute, Pieter-Jan Belder, harpsichord.

THE AVISON ENSEMBLE: Pavlo Beznosiuk (director, violin); Caroline Balding (violin); Richard Tunnicliffe (cello); Paula Chateauneuf (archlute); Roger Hamilton (harpsichord, organ). Recorded at St George`s Church, Chesterton, Cambridge (England), 12-16 December 2011 and 11-17 January 2012.

album of 1998 release


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