Theme of the 2nd movement later appeared as `Thou hast prevented him` in the Coronation Anthem, `The King shall rejoice` (HWV 260)
1. Langue, geme,
2. Cangia i gemiti in baci
1. Langue,...Read more
![]() Theme of the 2nd movement later appeared as `Thou hast prevented him` in the Coronation Anthem, `The King shall rejoice` (HWV 260)
1. Langue, geme, 2. Cangia i gemiti in baci 1. Langue,...Read more
Theme of the 2nd movement later appeared as `Thou hast prevented him` in the Coronation Anthem, `The King shall rejoice` (HWV 260)
1. Langue, geme, 2. Cangia i gemiti in baci 1. Langue, geme, sospira e si lagna colomba che chiama l`errante compagna. Ma poi quando vede che in braccio le riede quel ben che tant`ama 2. Cangia i gemiti in baci, e più non brama. (G.D. de Totis) Õ Close Show records by: listenings count | performer's rating | alphabetical
Rossana Bertini
Claudio Cavina
Fabio Bonizzoni
Paul Beier
Vocal ensemble `La Venexiana`
Roberta Invernizzi
Marina de Liso
Fabio Bonizzoni
Ensemble `La Risonanza` (Italy)
Judith Nelson
Rene Jacobs
William Lincoln Christie
Wieland Kuijken