Opera `Médée` (overture, arias, fragments),  (Cherubini)

Luigi Cherubini (1760–1842)

Opera `Médée` (overture, arias, fragments)


Show records by: listenings count | performer's rating | alphabetical
`Medea! O Medea!.. Solo un pianto` // 1960, London

Aria `Dei tuo figli la madre`. Recording 1984.

Aria `Dei tuoi figli la madre` from the opera `Medea`. Recorded - June 1955 (mono), La Scala Theatre.

Overture. From the album 2014 release. Digital restoration of the 1978 edition, Hungary

`Ah! nos peines seront communes`.Recorded in July 2010 at Studio 103, Maison de la Radio, Paris, France.

`Medea! O Medea!.. Solo un pianto` // Digital restoration of the 1978 edition, Hungary



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