This really is an excellent site, offering so many different performances of the great works and also bringing to light many fascinating works of little known composers. I have made many worthwhile discoveries.
When I was sampling some music by the English composer Malcolm Arnold recently I was baffled by the picture, which I knew was certainly not of him. Investigation reveals that the man shown is another Malcolm Arnold, who happens to be a leading British athletics coach, who has an OBE.
Arnold the musician was a CBE and knighted shortly before his death.
This really is an excellent site, offering so many different
performances of the great works and also bringing to light many
fascinating works of little known composers. I have made many
worthwhile discoveries.
When I was sampling some music by the English composer Malcolm Arnold
recently I was baffled by the picture, which I knew was certainly not
of him. Investigation reveals that the man shown is another Malcolm
Arnold, who happens to be a leading British athletics coach, who has
an OBE.
Arnold the musician was a CBE and knighted shortly before his death.