User: savin-nicita

About user savin-nicita (offline )

`Once upon a time` from the cycle `Lyrical Plays` (10 notebook) Op.71 No. 1

`In the church` from the cycle `Children`s Album` Op.39 No. 24

`Song of the lark` from the cycle `Children`s Album` Op.39 No.22

`Baba Yaga` from the cycle `Children`s Album` Op.39 No. 20

`Nanny`s fairy tale` from the cycle `Children`s Album` Op.39 No. 19

`Doll`s disease` from the cycle `Children`s Album` Op.39 No. 6

`March of wooden soldiers` from the cycle `Children`s Album` Op.39 No. 5

`Mom` from the cycle `Children`s album` Op.39 No. 4

`The game of horses` from the cycle `Children`s Album` Op.39 No. 3

Gavotte (No. 2) from the cycle `Dancing Dolls`


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