User: Foma-Fomitch

About user Foma-Fomitch (offline )

Elizabeth Whitehouse (soprano), Robert Gambill (tenor), Michael Volle (bass) / Chor der Bamberger Symphoniker / Bamberger Symphoniker / Claus Peter Flor

Odysseus - Jeffrey Kneebone, баритон / Penelope - Nancy Maultsby, меццо-сопрано / Nausicaa - Camilla Nylund, сопрано / Leucotea - Stephanie Lange, сопрано / Antikleia - Xenia-Maria Mann, меццо-сопрано / Hermes - Bernhard Gartner, тенор / Steuermann - Robert Holzer, бас / Teiresis - Michael Burt, бас-баритон / NDR Radio Choir / Budapest Radio Choir / Radio-Philharmonie Hannover des NDR /


Recorded: March 1997, Baden-Baden.

1997 CPO


suite No. 2 for orchestra

suite No. 1 for orchestra

Oedipus - Jose Van Dam, Tiresias - Gabriel Bacquier, Creon - Marcel Vanaud, Shepherd - Nicolai Gedda, High Priest - Cornelius Hauptmann, Theseus - Gino Quilico, Laius - John Aler, Jocasta - Brigitte Fassbaender, The Sphinx - Marjana Lipovsek, Antigone - Barbara Hendricks, Orfeon Donostiarra

Mirabella Dina, 2ème piano


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