User: rugbytaganrog

About user rugbytaganrog (offline )


Poems by L. Asatiani.

State Moscow Choir. Poems by B. Kupatashvili.

Marine Yashvili (violin), Merab Partskhaladze (piano).

Borodin Quartet. R. Dubinsky, Y. Alexandrov, D. Shebalin, V. Berlinsky.


Prelude and fugue F-dur
Recording from the hall of the Chernivtsi Philharmonic (Ukraine).

Прелюдия и фуга E-dur
Recording from the hall of the Chernivtsi Philharmonic (Ukraine).

Recording from the hall of the Chernivtsi Philharmonic (Ukraine).1.Simple melody,2.Folk dance,3. Variety dog, 4. Lyrnik, 5. Zhartivlya dog.

Recording from the hall of the Chernivtsi Philharmonic (Ukraine).


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