User: Wolfarion

About user Wolfarion (offline )


(Beethoven) Piano transcription of Symphony No.1 (1863–64) (Liszt F.) - no info -
(Mendelssohn) Concert paraphrase on `Wedding March` and `Dance of the Fairies` from the music to `A Midsummer Night`s Dream` (1849-50) (Liszt F.) - no info -
(Tchaikovsky) Piano transcription of Polonaise from `Eugene Onegin` (1879) (Liszt F.) - no info -
(Glinka) Tscherkessenmarsch aus der Oper `Rußlan und Ludmilla`, 2nd version (1875) (Liszt F.) - no info -
Symphonic poem No. 8 `Héroïde funèbre` for 2 pianos (1854-56) (Liszt F.) - no info -
`Consolations` for piano, 2nd version (1849-50) (Liszt F.) - no info -
Fantasia on Hungarian Folk Themes for piano and orchestra (1852-55) (Liszt F.) - no info -
Fantasy and Fugue on the chorale `Ad nos, ad salutarem undam` for organ (1850) (Liszt F.) - no info -
(Mozart) Fantasie über Themen aus `Figaro` und `Don Giovanni` for piano (1842) (Liszt F.) - no info -
Eine Faust-Symphonie for tenor, men`s chorus and orchestra (1854/1857-1861, 1880) (Liszt F.) - no info -
(Schumann) Piano transcription of `Widmung`(1848) (Liszt F.) - no info -
`Totentanz` - Paraphrase über Dies irae for piano and orchestra, 2nd version (1852-59) (Liszt F.) - no info -
March Hongroise for piano E♭ minor (1844) (Liszt F.) - no info -
Album Leaf № 2 A minor (1849) (Liszt F.) - no info -
(Berlioz) Grand Symphonic Fantasia on themes from `Lélio` for piano and orchestra (1834) (Liszt F.) - no info -
`Zum Andenken` 2 Hungarian Recruiting Dances for piano (1828) (Liszt F.) - no info -
2 piano pieces (Liszt F.) - no info -
2 Concert Studies (1862) (Liszt F.) - no info -
`Apparitions` for piano (1834) (Liszt F.) - no info -
3 Études de Concert (Liszt F.) - no info -
3 nocturnes (`Dreams of Love` / `Liebesträume`) for piano (1850): № 3 (Liszt F.) - no info -
5 Variations on a theme from Mehul`s `Joseph` (1820,) (Liszt F.) - no info -
Ave Maria I for chorus and organ, 2nd version (1852) (Liszt F.) - no info -
8 Variations on an original theme (1824) (Liszt F.) - no info -
Berceuse for piano (1854, 1862) (Liszt F.) - no info -

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