About user ATTILA (offline )

`Lentamento / Orride larve... Chiudetevi miei lumi`. Recorded: April 2008, Brussels.

`E vivo ancora?... Scherza infida`. Recorded: April 2008, Brussels.

`Sorge nell`alma mia`. Recorded: April 2008, Brussels.

`Crude furie degl`orridi abissi`. Recorded: April 2008, Brussels.

1) `Dolce riposo`; 2) `Ira, sdegni, e furore... O stringero nel sen`; 3) `Moriro, ma vendicata`. Recorded: April 2008, Brussels.

`Figlio non è, chi vendicar non cura... - L’angue offeso mai riposa`. Recorded: April 2008, Brussels.

`Then I am lost... There in myrtle shades reclined`. Recorded: April 2008, Brussels.

`Hence, Iris hence away`. Recorded: April 2008, Brussels.

L. Greg. Havana song. Poems by A. Gorchakova. M. N. Koreneva (piano), N. P. Sheremetyev (violin), N. M. Alekseev and V. A. Bochkov (guitars). Gramplasttrest, cat. 10592. 1940

Long-drawn (Russian folk song, arr. by M. Balakirev).


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