User: tagantsev

About user tagantsev (offline )

4. Cleopatre Amante - Double

1.Tombeau de Madamoiselle Gaultier

1995 recording (source: CD `Style brise` what actually means - a game with an arbitrary (broken) rhythm)

record of 1995 (source: CD `Style brise` which actually means - a game with an arbitrary (broken) rhythm) 126153

record of 1995 (source: CD `Style brise` which actually means a game with an arbitrary (broken) rhythm)

record of 1995 (source: SD `Style brise` which actually means - a game with an arbitrary (broken) rhythm)

1995 recording (source: CD `Style brise` which actually means - a game with an arbitrary (broken) rhythm) 126154

record of 1995 (source: CD `Style brise` which actually means a game with an arbitrary rhythm)




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