User: Romy_Van_Geyten

About user Romy_Van_Geyten (offline )

From the Toronto of 22 November 1967

CBC Symphony Orchestra, cond. Nicholas Goldschmidt (11 Sept. 1957)

Recorded: November 15, 1967, Toronto.

March 13, 1969.

From the Toronto of 22 November 1967




Fiordiligi - Siole Isokoski, Dorabelle - Monica Goop, Despina - Nancy Argenta, Ferrando - Markos Schaefer, Guglielmo - Per Vollestad, Don Alfonso - Huub Claessens. La Petite Bande Orchestra & Chorus. October 7, 1992, Budapest.

No.5 - Première Suite // Berthold, Sigiswald & Wieland Kuijken, Gustav Leonhardt


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