User: reaktsioner

About user reaktsioner (offline )

Symphony No. 1, D minor (1952). Honored Ensemble of the Republic Academic Symphony Orchestra of the Leningrad Philharmonic, conductor - Evgeny Mravinsky. Recorded from a concert in the Great Hall of the Leningrad Philharmonic on March 20, 1957.

Symphony No. 2, G major (1959): 1. Song of the forest

Symphony No. 3, A minor (1963). Honored Ensemble of the Republic Academic Symphony Orchestra of the Leningrad Philharmonic, conductor - Evgeny Mravinsky. Recorded from a concert in the Great Hall of the Leningrad Philharmonic on May 24, 1964.

Symphony No. 4, B minor (1976). Honored Ensemble of the Republic Academic Symphony Orchestra of the Leningrad Philharmonic, conductor - Evgeny Mravinsky. Recorded from a concert in the Great Hall of the Leningrad Philharmonic on January 28, 1977.

Leningrad Quartet named after. S.I.Taneeva: Vladimir Ovcharek (1st violin), Grigory Lutsky (2nd violin), Vissarion Solovyov (viola), Joseph Levinzon (cello).

``Book of canzons`` for unaccompanied mixed choir (2007). Poems of European poets of the XI-XVII centuries. Dedication to Boris Aballian and the chamber choir ``Lege Artis``. Performed by: St. Petersburg Chamber Choir ``Lege Artis``

Mass for soloists, choir and chamber orchestra (1996). 1.Kyrie

(1993). Dedicated to Evgeny Svetlanov.

Symphony No. 3 ``Canto in memoria`` (2005). In memory of Victor Lieberman. National Odessa Philharmonic Orchestra, conductor Yuri Falik.

String Quartet No. 8 (2001). Dedicated to Ekaterina Ruchevskaya. 1.Adagio


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