User: reaktsioner

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Waltz “In Honor of Dickens” was composed for a symphony orchestra based on the music for the play “The Cricket on the Stove” at the Leningrad Theater for Young Spectators. Several years ago, at the request of the compiler, the author made a piano version of the waltz.

Andrey Petrov - ``Think about me on a spring night`` (Song of the Tambov choir from the film ``Forgotten Melody for Flute``. Poems by E. Yevtushenko. Arranged by D. Smirnov. Arranged by S. Ekimov)

Symphony in rituals for a cappella choir and oboe. Folk words (1977): 1.Introduction

Women`s choir of the St. Petersburg Music College named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov.

Yuri Falik - ``Evening`` (Fragment from ``Book of Canzons - 2``. Poems by H. Pietursson, 2008). Women`s choir of the St. Petersburg Music College named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov. Hood. hands and conductor Sergei Ekimov.

Yuri Falik - Izbyanaya (conspiracy). (From the cycle ``Four Russian songs to the words of Nikolai Klyuev``, 2005). Women`s choir of the St. Petersburg Music College named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov. Hood. hands and conductor Sergei Ekimov.

Yuri Falik - ``From the Holy Icon`` (Fragment from ``Liturgical Hymns``, 1995). Women`s choir of the St. Petersburg Music College named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov. Hood. hands and conductor Sergei Ekimov.

Yuri Falik - Prayer Book to the Hieromartyr Metropolitan Benjamin (From the cycle “Two Prayer Books” for women’s choir a cappella, 2007). Women`s choir of the St. Petersburg Music College named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov. Hood. hands and conductor Sergei Ekimov.


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