User: bubusir

About user bubusir (offline )

Was performed in August 2013 in Hungary, the festival Arcus temporum. Choirmaster Tamas Bubno.

KievMusicFest Festival, September 24, 2014, Concert Hall of the Union of Composers of Ukraine, sound engineer - Pavel Serdyuk

Gulfstream 6 Festival , June 16 , 2014 , Archetype Project , Kyiv , Composers ` Union Hall , sound engineer - Pasha Serdyuk

Performed on June 25 at the concert of the Gulfstream 6 Festival , project ` Competition : viola and piano against string quartet ` . Performed

Was executed on the project ` Archetype ` , Gulfstream 6 Festival , Kiev , June 16 , 2014 , Hall of the Union of Composers of Ukraine , sound engineer - Pavel Serdyuk

October 3, 2014, concert hall of the Union of Composers of Ukraine, KievMuzikFest festival, sound engineer -Pavel Serdyuk

Piano - Anna Tomassishin, 2014

Contrasts Festival (Lviv, Ukraine), Lviv Philharmonic, 11.10.2014, sound engineer Ivan Ogar

Gulfstream VI Festival , project ` Competition : viola and piano against string quartet ` . The concert took place on June 25, 2014 in the concert hall of the Union of Composers, Kiev. sound engineer - Pavel Serdyuk. Piano part - Anna Tomasishin

October 3, 2014, concert of the Gulfstream quartet as part of the KievMusicFest Contemporary Music Festival (Kiev, Ukraine), concert hall of the Union of Composers of Ukraine, sound engineer - Pavel Serdyuk


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