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Three Romances to lyrics by Stepan Shchipachev (Svetlanov E.) - no info -
Aria for viola and piano in C minor (1975) (Svetlanov E.) - no info -
Sonatina for piano № 4 in B minor (1950) (Svetlanov E.) - no info -
Te Deum laudamus a 5 (1704) (Fux J.) - no info -
Tierkreis, 12 melodies of the star signs (1974-75) (Stockhausen K.) - no info -
Cantata `Das Wort ward Fleisch und wohnet unter uns` (Erlebach P.) - no info -
Cantata `Gelobet sei der Herr täglich` (1701) (Erlebach P.) - no info -
Cantata `Siehe, um trost war mir sehr bange` (1699) (Erlebach P.) - no info -
Cantata `Held, du hast den Feind gebunden` (1700) (Erlebach P.) - no info -
Cantata `Ach, dass ich wassers genug hätte` (1699) (Erlebach P.) - no info -
`The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh`, musical scenes from the opera (Rimsky-Korsakov N.) - no info -
Thema und Variation in A minor (1907-08) (Berg A.) - no info -
`Song of the Forests` an oratorio on the words by E. Dolmatovski for tenor, bass, boys` choir, mixed choir and orchestra (1949) (Shostakovich D.) - no info -
Theme and Variation in F Minor (1907-08) (Berg A.) - no info -
2 Pieces for Violin and Piano (1910-12) (Kuula T.) - no info -
3 Folk-Tale pictures for piano (1912) (Kuula T.) - no info -
Opera `Turn of the screw` (1954) (Britten B.) - no info -
String Quartet No. 2 (Ginastera A.) - no info -
`The Ceder and the Palm`, symphonic picture (1898) (Kalinnikov V.) - no info -
Concerto Barocco for piano, bass and drum set (Yakovlev G.) - no info -
`Sketches` for piano (Yakovlev G.) - no info -
6 Piano Pieces (1916) (Madetoja L.) - no info -
Opera `Costanza e Fortezza` (1723) (Fux J.) - no info -
Opera `Orfeo ed Euridice` (1715) (Fux J.) - no info -
Opera `Demon` (arias) (Rubinstein A.) - no info -

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