User: alebaranov

About user alebaranov (offline )

Nadir`s Aria.

Azerbaijani version of the opera. Aria of Gharib (Keriba). - Bulbul was the first (if not the only) performer of this part in both the Russian and Azerbaijani versions.

Prince`s Aria `Everything here reminds me of the past.

Song of Peter.

Aria Cavaradossi E lucevan le stelle (act 3).

Aria Cavaradossi Recondita armonia (1 act)

Romance of a young gypsy.

Lionel`s Aria. Ach, so fromm, ach, so trout (Act 3) – In Italian.

Lensky`s aria `Where, where have you gone...`

Complaint of Federico E la solita storia.


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