User: alebaranov

About user alebaranov (offline )

Mein lieber Schwann! New York, April 1910. (Edison`s cylinder).

Hoer`an, Wolfram, hoer`an! New York, April 1910 (Edison`s Cylinder).

Gepriesen sei dei Stunde (from 2 d.) Elizabeth - E. Destinn, Tannhauser - K.Jorn. Berlin, March-April 1908.

Parigi, o cara, noi lasceremo. Recorded: January 1905, Berlin.

Un di felice, etereo. Violetta - Gertrude Runge. Recorded: January 1905, Berlin.

IN GERMAN. yaz. Di quella pira. The record of the company Zonofon. No other data is available.

Salut, demeure chaste et pure. New York, April 1910.(Edison`s cylinder).

Je suis seul! seul enfin! New York, April 1910 (Edison's Cylinder).

IN GERMAN. yaz. Tu l`as dit: oui, tu m`amais! (from 4 d.). Raul - K.Jorn, Valentina - E.Destinn. Berlin, March-April 1908.

IN GERMAN. yaz. Le danger presse et le temps vole (from 4 d.). Raoul - K.Yorn, Valentina - E.Destinn. Berlin, March-April 1908.


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