User: alebaranov

About user alebaranov (offline )

1. Delphic dancers, 2. Sails, 3. Wind on the plain, 12. Minstrels. October 1930 (1 and 3), December 1930 (2 and 12)

In German. Orchestra of the Berlin German Art Theater (Kunstlerteater). Dir. Ernst Hauke. 1927.

`La Bandoline`. April 1914, Camden, USA.

¹ 12 - `Moja pieszczotka` (My Joys). June 1922, Camden, USA.

¹ 2. June 1912.

1931. Conductor Elie Cohen. Werther - Georges Thiel, Charlotte - Ninon Vallin (Vallin), Sophie - Germaine Feraldi, Albert - Marcel Rocque (Rocque), judge - Armand Narson, Johann - Louis Gueno, Schmidt - Henri Niel.

Das alte Lied. (Love Loehner). Piano - Richard Tauber. 1928

Lensky`s Aria. `where, where have you gone`. In German. Conductor Karl Besl. 1923.

Îð.10, ¹ 12. May 1928.

`I kiss your hand, madam.` Orchestra of the Berlin Bolshoi Theater (Gross Schauspielhaus). Conductor Ernst Hauke. Entry 1928.


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