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Pasticcio Capriccioso (Valse in D flat major, op.64/1 [Chopin]) (Sorabji K.) - no info -
Quasi Habanera, Op. 8 (Sorabji K.) - no info -
KSS49 Toccatinetta sopra C.G.F. (Sorabji K.) - no info -
`View from a train window`. Festive Overture for symphony orchestra (2021) (Lubchenko A.) - no info -
Symphony No. 5 in d-moll (1937) (Shostakovich D.) - no info -
`Echo` for Flute & Piano (1942) (Hindemith P.) - no info -
`Echo` for Flute & Piano (1942) (Hindemith P.) - no info -
Gavotte from the music for the play `Hamlet` for piano (1938) (Prokofiev S.) - no info -
Concerto for Cello and Orchestra (1945-48) (Weinberg M.) - no info -
Cantata `Til Molde` for choir, solo baritone and piano (Sinding C.) - no info -
Concerto for Cello and Orchestra (1956) (Walton W.) - no info -
`From clear` for female or children`s choir (Bazhenov D.) - no info -
Années de Pèlerinage III: Italy (Liszt F.) - no info -
(Mercadante) `Reminiscences de La Scala` - Fantasie über italienische Opernmelodien for piano (1838-39) (Liszt F.) - no info -
Cantata (Salnikova I.) - no info -
Carpathian Concerto for Large Orchestra (1972) (Skoryk M.) - no info -
(Vielhorsky) Piano transcription of the romance `Lyubila ya` (`I Loved!`), 2nd version (1842) (Liszt F.) - no info -
Oratorio `Johannes-Passion` (1724) (Bach J.) - no info -
(Schubert) Song `Die Rose`. Piano transcription (1833, 1837) (Liszt F.) - no info -
The melody from the movie `High Pass` (Skoryk M.) - no info -
Oratorio `Johannes-Passion` (1724) (Bach J.) - no info -
Opera `Ivan Susanin` (1815) (Kavos K.) - no info -
Konx-Om-Pax, (1969) for orchestra and mixed choir (Scelsi G.) - no info -
Three Vocal Quartets (1901) (Arensky A.) - no info -
`Philosophy of Nature`, vocal cycle on poems by Nikolai Zabolotsky (Suvorov D.) - no info -

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