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`Alexander Nevsky`, cantata for mezzo-soprano (solo), mixed chorus and orchestra (1938-39) (Prokofiev S.) - no info -
`Alexander Nevsky`, cantata for mezzo-soprano (solo), mixed chorus and orchestra (1938-39) (Prokofiev S.) - no info -
Quartet for two violins, viola and cello (1973) (Karabits I.) - no info -
Pavana (Orlovetski A.) - no info -
Piano sonata No. 5 (1973) (Tishchenko B.) - no info -
The opera `Secret Marriage` (Cimarosa D.) - no info -
Concerto for Wind Orchestra (1960) (McPhee C.) - no info -
Sonata for Solo Harp (1995) (Erb D.) - no info -
The Golden Calf (Khrennikov T.) - no info -
The Golden Calf (Khrennikov T.) - no info -
18 Solfeggi for two voices, easy and progressive (Concone G.) - no info -
Voice of Praying (Five Poems by Anna Akhmatova) for soprano and chamber orchestra (1978) (Falik Y.) - no info -
8 poems of Anna Akhmatova (1977) (Basner V.) - no info -
(Bellini) Arrangement of the cavatina `Casta diva` from the opera` Norma` for piano (1831) (Chopin F.) - no info -
Song `Dumka` (Dream) for Voice and Piano (poems by S.Vitvitsky) (1840) (Chopin F.) - no info -
Suite for keyboard in a-moll (later version) (Bach J.) - no info -
First Music and Than Words, opera, 1786 (Salieri A.) - no info -
Improvisation On Themes From `William Tell` (Cziffra G.) - no info -
Hell und Dunkel for Organ (1976) (Gubaidulina S.) - no info -
Anthem `Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott` (c. 1528) (Luther M.) - no info -
Mass `L`homme armé Sexti toni` (Josquin Desprez ) - no info -
Vocal-symphonic poem `In the rhythms of Tuqay` (1975) (Monasypov A.) - no info -
`Geharnischte Lieder` (1860) (Liszt F.) - no info -
Italian aria No. 2 `Povera fede sei pur mal spesa` for soprano and orchestra (1733) (Zelenka J.) - no info -
Italian Aria No. 3 `E voi siete d`altri` for soprano and orchestra (1733) (Zelenka J.) - no info -

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