Academy of St. Martin in the Fields

Handel sets a poem which the English poet John Dryden wrote in 1687. The main theme of the text is the Pythagorean theory of harmonia mundi, that music was a central force in the Earth`s creation.

1. Overture: Larghetto e staccato - Alegro - Minuet
2. Recitative (tenor): From harmony, from heavenly harmony
3. Chorus: From harmony, from heavenly harmony
4. Aria (soprano): What passion cannot music raise and quell!
5. Aria (tenor) and Chorus: The trumpet`s loud clangour
6. March
7. Aria (soprano): The soft complaining flute
8. Aria (tenor): Sharp violins proclaim their jealous pangs
9. Aria (soprano): But oh! What art can teach
10.Aria (soprano): Orpheus could lead the savage race
11.Recitative (soprano): But bright Cecilia raised the wonder higher
12.Grand Chorus with (soprano): As from the power of sacred lays
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April Cantelo - soprano. Recorded in 1967, Cambridge.

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