The USSR All-Union Radio & Central Television Grand Symphony Orchestra
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Vladimir Fedoseev
Nelly Lee
Yuri Mazurok
Lidia Chernykh
Choir of the Bolshoi Theater (Moscow)
Snow Maiden - Valentina Sokolik, Spring-Red - Irina Arkhipova, Kupava - Lydia Sakharenko, Tsar Berendei - Anton Grigoriev, Lel - Irina Arkhipova, Mizgir - Anatoly Moksyakov, Santa Claus - Alexander Vedernikov, Bermyata - Vladimir Matorin, Bakula - Yuri Yelnikov, Bobylikha - Nina Debrina Choirmaster - Sergey Nechaev Orchestra and Chorus of the All-Union Radio and Television, conductor - Vladimir Fedoseev 1975