100 Russian folk songs (1875-76)  |
op. 24
2 Female Choirs a capella (1874)  |
op. 13
2 pieces for piano (1894)  |
op. 38
2 Romances (1897)  |
op. 49
4 Piano Pieces (1876–77)  |
op. 11
4 romances (1897)  |
op. 41
6 variations on a theme B-A-C-H (1878)  |
op. 10
Allegretto for piano in C major (1895)  |
op.deest 36
Canzonetta and tarantella for 2 clarinets (1883?)  |
op.deest 21
Capriccio Espagnol  |
op. 34
Cherubic Hymn No. 3, the usual chant `on Rejoice` (1885-86)  |
op. 22b/1
Concerto for Clarinet and Wind Orchestra (1878)  |
op.deest 14
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra (1883)  |
op. 30
Concerto for Trombone and Wind Orchestra in B -dur (1877)  |
op.deest 13
Fantasia on Serbian themes (1867, rev. 1886–87)  |
op. 6
Fantasy on Russian Themes for violin and orchestra (1886-87)  |
op. 33
Five Romances by lyrics A.Pushkin (1897)  |
op. 51
Five Songs (1897-99)  |
op. 45
Four Romances  |
op. 4
Four Romances  |
op. 50
Four Romances  |
op. 3
Four Romances  |
op. 7
Four Romances  |
op. 26
Four Romances  |
op. 27
Four Romances  |
op. 55
Four Romances (1865-66)  |
op. 2
Four Romances (1897)  |
op. 40
Four Romances (1897)  |
op. 42
Four Romances by lyrics A.K. Tolstoy (1897)  |
op. 39
Four Three-Voiced Choirs for Male Voices a cappella (1876)  |
op. 23
Four Variations and Fugetta on the theme of Russian folk song `Tired of the Night`  |
op. 14
From Homer, prelude-cantata for soprano, mezzo-soprano, and alto soloists and women`s voices with orchestra (1901)  |
op. 60
Fugue in G minor for piano (c. 1875-76)  |
op.deest 7
Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom (1883)  |
op. 22
Mazurka on Polish Themes for violin and orchestra/piano (1888/1893)  |
op.deest 32
Music for the play `The Maid of Pskov, or Ivan the Terrible` (1877, rev. 1881–82)  |
op.deest 12
Musical pictures to the opera `The Tale of Tsar Saltan`  |
op. 57
Neapolitan Song (1907)  |
op. 63
Night on the Mount Triglav (concert transcription for orchestra of third act of the opera-ballet Mlada)  |
op.deest 34b
Nocturne for Horn Quartet in F major (1888)  |
op.deest 33
Opera `Christmas Eve`  |
op.deest 35
Opera `Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh`  |
op.deest 51
Opera `Mlada` (1889-90)  |
op.deest 34
Opera `Mozart and Salieri`  |
op. 48
Opera `The Tsar`s Bride` (1898)  |
op.deest 42
Opera `Boyarina Vera Sheloga` (arias, excerpts)  |
op. 54
Opera `Boyarin`a Vera Sheloga` (1898)  |
op. 54
Opera `Kashchei the Immortal` (arias, fragments)  |
op.deest 49
Opera `Kashei the Immortal` (1901-1902)  |
op.deest 49
Opera `May Night` (1878–79)  |
op.deest 18
Opera `May Night` (arias)  |
op.deest 18
Opera `Mozart and Salieri` (arias)  |
op. 48
Opera `Pan Voyevoda` (arias)  |
op.deest 50
Opera `Pan Voyevoda`(1902–1903)  |
op.deest 50
Opera `Pskovityanka` (arias, fragments)  |
op.deest 4
Opera `Sadko`  |
op.deest 39
Opera `Sadko` (arias)  |
op.deest 39
Opera `Servilia`  |
op.deest 48
Opera `Servilia` (arias)  |
op.deest 48
Opera `Snow Maiden` (1881)  |
op.deest 19
Opera `Snow Maiden` (arias, fragments)  |
op.deest 19
Opera `The Golden Cockerel` (1906-07)  |
op.deest 53
Opera `The Golden Cockerel` (arias)  |
op.deest 53
Opera `The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia` (arias)  |
op.deest 51
Opera `The Maid of Pskov` (1868–72, rev. 1876–77, 1891–92, 1898–1901)  |
op.deest 4
Opera `The Night Before Christmas` (arias)  |
op.deest 35
Opera `The Tale of Tsar Saltan` (1899-1900)  |
op.deest 46
Opera `The Tale of Tsar Saltan` (arias)  |
op.deest 46
Opera `The Tsar`s Bride` (overtures, arias, fragments)  |
op.deest 42
Opera-ballet `Mlada` (arias, fragments)  |
op.deest 34
Overture on Three Russian Themes, op. 28 1866 (1st version), 1879–1880 (2nd version  |
op. 28
Piano Trio in c-moll (1897)  |
op.deest 40
Prelude for piano in G major (1896)  |
op.deest 38
Quintet for Flute, Clarinet, Horn, Âassoon & Piano in B-dur (1876)  |
op.deest 10
Serenade for Cello and Orchestra (1893/1903)  |
op. 37
Sinfonietta on Russian Themes in A minor (1879-84; adaptation of first three movements from string quartet of 1878-79)  |
op. 31
Six Choirs a capplella (1876)  |
op. 16
Six Fugues for piano (1875)  |
op. 17
Six Romances  |
op. 8
Song (in Dorian mode) for piano (1901)  |
op.deest 47
String Quartet in F major (1875)  |
op. 12
String Quartet in G major (1897)  |
op.deest 41
String Quartet on B la F, collective composition: 1. Sostenuto assai. Allegro (1886)  |
op.deest 28
String Sextet À-dur (1876)  |
op.deest 11
Suite from the Opera-Ballet `Mlada` (1894?)  |
op.deest 34a
Svitezyanka, Cantata on verses by Adam Mickiewicz (1897)  |
op. 44
Symphony No.1 in e-moll (1861–65, rev. 1884)  |
op. 1
Symphony No.2 fis-moll `Antar`  |
op. 9
Symphony No.3 in C-dur (1866–73, rev. 1886)  |
op. 32
Terzet `Dragonflies` for three sopranos (1897)  |
op. 53
The Song of Alexei, the man of God. 1878  |
op. 20
The Song of Oleg the Wise (1899), Cantata for Tenor, Baritone, Male Choir and Orchestra  |
op. 58
Three Piano Pieces (1875-6)  |
op. 15
Toast to the anniversary of Glazunov for orchestra (1906)  |
op.deest 52
Two Choirs (1876)  |
op. 18
Two Duets  |
op. 52
Two Romances (1870-76)  |
op. 25
Two Songs  |
op. 56
Variations for Oboe and Wind Orchestra (1878)  |
op.deest 16
Variations on a Russian theme (collective composition) for string quartet, variation No. 4 (1898)  |
op.deest 43
Vzyde Bog, the verse on Ascension  |
op.posth 10
`Behold, the Bridegroom is coming`, Kiev chant (1885-86)  |
op. 22b/4
`By the Sea`, five Romances (1897)  |
op. 46
`Cherubic Hymn No. 4`, for choir (1880-90s?)  |
op.posth 2
`Cherubic Hymn No. 5`, for choir (1880-90s?)  |
op.posth 3
`Cherubic Hymn No. 6`, for choir (1880-90s?)  |
op.posth 4
`Create Angels`, partaken on Monday in Greek chant (1880-90s?)  |
op.posth 16
`Cup of Salvation`, partaken of the Kiev chant on Wednesday (1880-90s?)  |
op.posth 18
`Dubinushka` (1905/06)  |
op. 62
`Easter Festival` overture (1888)  |
op. 36
`Fairy Tale` for symphony orchestra  |
op. 29
`Flight of the Bumblebee` (1899-1900)  |
op.deest 46
`Fridays` (Les vendredis), collective string quartet, Book 2 No. 1: Allegro in B flat major (1899)  |
op.deest 44
`Glory` for mixed choir and orchestra (1879-80)  |
op. 21
`I see your hall`, Kiev chant (1885-86)  |
op. 22b/5
`In memory of the eternal`, partaken on Thursday of the Kiev chant  |
op.posth 17
`In Spring` - four Romances (1897)  |
op. 43
`In the monastery`, fugue for string quartet (1878-79)  |
op.deest 17a
`It is worthy to eat ¹2`, for choir (1880-90s?)  |
op.posth 8
`Let all flesh be silent`, Kiev chant (1885-86)  |
op. 22b/2
`Name Day`, collective string quartet: 3. Choeur dansé Russe/Round dance (1888)  |
op.deest 31
`On the rivers of Babylon`, Znamenny chant (1885-86)  |
op. 22b/6
`Over the grave` Prelude in memory of M. Belyaev  |
op. 61
`Pan Voivod` suite of the opera  |
op. 59
`Paraphrases`, a collective composition on a children`s theme `Ta-ti, ta-ti` for piano (1878)  |
op.deest 15
`Praise the Lord from Heaven #1`, Sunday communion verse in regular chant (1880s-90s?)  |
op.posth 14
`Praise the Lord from Heaven`, for two choirs (1880-90s?)  |
op.posth 9
`Praise the Lord from Heaven`, Sunday communion verse in common chant (1885-86)  |
op.posth 15
`Praise the Lord from Heaven`, Sunday communion verse in common chant (1885-86)  |
op. 22b/3
`Sadko`, musical picture (1867, rev. 1869, 1891–92)  |
op. 5
`Scheherazade`, symphonic suite (1888)  |
op. 35
`The Golden Cockerel`, concert suite of the opera  |
op.deest 53a
`The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh`, musical scenes from the opera  |
op.deest 51a
`The light of the face is signing upon us`, involved in the Exaltation of the Kiev chant on the model of Rejoice (1880-90s?)  |
op.posth 23
`The Night Before Christmas`, a suite of the opera  |
op.deest 35a
`The Snow Maiden` Suite of the opera  |
op.deest 19a
`Thou hast made salvation`, partaken of Kiev chant on Friday (1880-90s?)  |
op.posth 20
`To the whole earth`, partaken of Kiev chant on Thursday (1880-90s?)  |
op.posth 19
`To Your Cross`, Kiev chant (1880-90s?)  |
op.posth 11
`Wave of the sea`, irmos of the canon at matins on Holy Saturday of Znamenny chant (1880-90s?)  |
op.posth 25
`We praise God to you`, spiritual concerto for double choir (1883)  |
op.deest 22
`We sing to you No. 2`, for choir (1880-90s?)  |
op.posth 5
`We sing to you No. 3`, for choir (1880-90s?)  |
op.posth 6
`We sing to you No. 4`, for choir (1880-90s?)  |
op.posth 7
`We sing to you No. 5`, Kiev chant (1880-90s?)  |
op.posth 12
`We sing to You No. 6`, Kiev chant (1880-90s?)  |
op.posth 13
`Who is this King of Glory`, at the consecration of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow (1883)  |
op.posth 1