Johannes Brahms

Johannes Brahms (1833–1897)
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(J. S. Bach) Study No. 3 (Presto after Sonata, BWV 1001) A. 1a/1/3
(Schubert) 20 Ländler for piano (1869) A. 1a/6
11 Choral Preludes for Organ (1896) Op.122
12 German Folk Songs for chorus and piabo ad lib. (1857-64) WoO 35
12 Lieder und Romanzen for female chorus and piano (1859–60) Op. 44
13 Kanons for the three-voiced female choir Op.113
13th Psalm (for female Chorus and organ) Op. 27
14 German Folk Songs for chorus and piano (1857/1864) WoO 34
15 Volkskinderlieder for Voice and Piano (1857) WoO 31
15 Volkskinderlieder for Voice and Piano (excerpts)
16 German folk songs for Female Choir and Piano ad lib (1859–62) WoO 37
16 Waltzes for piano Op. 39
2 Gavottes for Piano (1855) WoO 3
2 Gesänge for Voice, Viola and Piano (1863/1884) Op. 91
2 Motets, for mixed chorus (1860): ¹ 1 `Es ist das Heil uns kommen her` Op. 29/1
2 Motets, for mixed chorus (1860): ¹ 2 `Schaffe in mir, Gott, ein rein Herz` Op. 29/2
2 Motets, for mixed chorus (1863–77): ¹ 1 `Warum ist das Licht gegeben dem Muehseligen` Op. 74/1
2 Motets, for mixed chorus (1863–77): ¹ 2 `O Heiland, reiss die Himmel auf` Op. 74/2
2 Motetten for 5-mized chorus a capella Op. 29
2 Motetten for mixed chorus a cappella Op. 74
2 Rhapsodies for Piano Op. 79
2 Sarabandas for piano (1854-55) WoO 5
20 German folk songs for female choir and piano ad lib (1859–62) WoO 38
28 German Folk Songs for Voice and Piano (1858) WoO 32
3 Duos for Soprano, Contralto and Piano (1858-60) Op. 20
3 Gesaenge for 6-part choir a cappella (1859) Op. 42
3 Intermezzo for Piano (1892) Op.117
3 Motetten for eight-and four-voiced mixed chorus Op.110
3 quartets for voices and piano (1859/1863) Op. 31
3 Quartette (1874) Op. 64
3i geistlische Choere a cappella (1859) Op. 37
4 Ballades and Romances (1877–78) Op. 75
4 Ballades for Piano (1854) Op. 10
4 Duets for Soprano, Contralto and Piano (1852–74) Op. 61
4 duos for alto, baritone and piano (1860–62) Op. 28
4 Gesänge (1860–66) Op. 43
4 Gesänge (1875–77) Op. 70
4 Gesaenge for female choir, two horns and harp Op. 17
4 Lieder (1864–68) Op. 46
4 Lieder (1884) Op. 96
4 Pieces for Piano Op.119
4 Quartets for chorus (1884) Op. 92
49 Deutsche Volkslieder (1894) WoO 33
49 Deutsche Volkslieder (excerpts)
5 Duets for Soprano & Contralto (1875) Op. 66
5 Gesänge (1876–77) Op. 72
5 Gesänge (1877) Op. 71
5 Lieder (1858–68) Op. 47
5 Lieder (1867–68) Op. 49
5 Lieder (1884) Op. 94
5 Lieder (1886) Op.106
5 Lieder (1886/1888) Op.105
5 Lieder (1886–88) Op.107
5 songs (Songs of Ophelia) for soprano and piano ad lib (1873) WoO 22
51 Exercises for Piano (1850–93) WoO 6
6 Gesänge (1851-53) Op. 7
6 Gesänge (1852-53) Op. 6
6 Gesänge (1853) Op. 3
6 Lieder (1877–82) Op. 86
6 Lieder (1884–85) Op. 97
6 Pieces for Piano (1893) Op.118
6 Songs (1878–82) Op. 85
7 Fantasies (3 Capriccio and 4 Intermezzo, 1892) Op.116
7 Lieder (1853–68) Op. 48
7 Lieder (1884) Op. 95
7 Lieder for mixed choir (1873–74) Op. 62
8 German folk songs for female choir and piano ad lib (1859-62) WoO 36
8 Lieder (1871) Op. 58
8 Lieder and Romances (1858) Op. 14
8 Lieder und Gesänge (1871) Op. 57
9 Lieder und Gesänge (1864) Op. 32
9 Lieder (1877) Op. 69
Akademische Festouvertüre (1880) Op. 80
Ave Maria for women`s choir and orchestra (or organ) Op. 12
Cadenza for Beethoven`s Piano Concerto No.3 A. 4/7
Cadenza for Mozart`s Piano Concerto No. 20 (K. 466) WoO 14
Cadenza for Mozart`s Piano Concerto No. 24 (K. 491) WoO 15
Cadenza for the concert of I. S. Bach (BWV in 1052) (1855–61) WoO 11
Canon in F minor for piano (1864) A. 3/ 2
Canon `Grausam erweiset sich Amor` (Cupid is cruel to me) for female choir (1863) WoO 24
Canon `Mir lachelt kein Fruhling` (Spring does not smile at me) for female choir (1877) WoO 25
Canon `O wie sanft` (Ah, how smoothly) for female choir (1870) WoO 26
Canon `Spruch` for voice and viola (1854-55) WoO 27
Canon `Tone, lindernder Klang` (Do not shut up, gentle sounds) for female / mixed choir (1861) WoO 28
Canon `Wann?` (When?) For soprano and alto (1881) WoO 29
Canon `Zu Rauch muss werden` (Will turn into smoke) for mixed choir (1870) WoO 30
Cantata `Rinaldo` for Tenor, Male Chorus and Orchestra Op. 50
Cello Sonata No.1 in e-moll Op. 38
Cello Sonata No.2 in F-dur Op. 99
Choir Dem dunklen Schoß der heilgen Erde, the words by Schiller, Op. 133 ¹1 WoO 20
Choir `Dein Herzlein mild` (Your tender heart) for female voices a cappella (1860) WoO 19
Chorale Prelude and Fugue for organ in A minor `O Traurigkeit, o Herzeleid` (1858/1873) WoO 7
Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in D-dur Op. 77
Concerto for Violin, Cello and Orchestra in a-moll Op.102
Drinking song `Dank der Damen` (Thanks to the ladies) for choir and piano (1884) Op. 93b
Ein Deutsches Requiem
Ein Deutsches Requiem
Fünf Gesaenge for mixed choir Op.104
Five Studies (1852/1862/1877) A. 1a/1
Fuenf Gedichte (1858-59) Op. 19
Fuenf Lieder for male choir (1861–62) Op. 41
Fugue as-moll for organ (1856) WoO 8
Gavotte for Piano in A Major (Arrangement of fragment of Gluck`s Iphigenia in Aulis) A. 1a/2
Geistliches Lied for mixed choir and organ Op. 30
German Requiem (1866) Op. 45
Hungarian Dance No. 1 in g-moll WoO 1/ 1
Hungarian Dance No. 2 in d-moll WoO 1/ 2
Hungarian Dance No. 3 in F-dur WoO 1/ 3
Hungarian Dance No. 4 in f-moll WoO 1/ 4
Hungarian Dance No. 5 in fis-moll WoO 1/ 5
Hungarian Dance No. 6 in Des-dur WoO 1/ 6
Hungarian Dance No. 7 in A-dur WoO 1/ 7
Hungarian Dance No. 8 in a-moll WoO 1/ 8
Hungarian Dance No. 9 in e-moll WoO 1/ 9
Hungarian Dance No.10 in F-dur WoO 1/10
Hungarian Dance No.11 in d-moll WoO 1/11
Hungarian Dance No.12 in d-moll WoO 1/12
Hungarian Dance No.13 in D-dur WoO 1/13
Hungarian Dance No.14 in d-moll WoO 1/14
Hungarian Dance No.15 in B-dur WoO 1/15
Hungarian Dance No.16 in f-moll WoO 1/16
Hungarian Dance No.17 in fis-moll WoO 1/17
Hungarian Dance No.18 in D-dur WoO 1/18
Hungarian Dance No.19 in h-moll WoO 1/19
Hungarian Dance No.20 in e-moll WoO 1/21
Hungarian Dance No.20 in e-moll WoO 1/20
Hungarian Dances for piano (4 notebooks, a total of 21 dance) WoO 1
Impromptu in E-flat major for the Left Hand (Schubert, D.899, ¹ 2) A. 4/2
Kyrie for Choir and Basso Continuo in g-moll (1856) WoO 17
Lieder und Gesänge Op. 59
Lieder und Gesänge (1874) Op. 63
Little Wedding Cantata (Kleine Hochzeits-Kantate) for choir and piano (1874) WoO 16
Missa Canonica in C (1856–61) WoO 18
Neue Lieberlieder- 15 Walzer fuer vier Singstimmen und Klavier zu vier Haenden Op. 65
Parts of Works and Fragments of Cycles
Piano Concerto No.1 in d-moll (1856-57) Op. 15
Piano Concerto No.2 in B-dur (1881) Op. 83
Piano Piece in B-dur (1859-62) A. 3/ 4
Piano pieces (4 Capriccio and 4 Intermezzo) Op. 76
Piano Quartet No.1 in g-moll (1856–61) Op. 25
Piano Quartet No.2 in A-dur (1861) Op. 26
Piano Quartet No.3 in c-moll (1875) Op. 60
Piano Quintet in f-moll (1864) Op. 34
Piano Sonata No.1 in C-dur (1852-53) Op. 1
Piano Sonata No.2 in fis-moll (1852) Op. 2
Piano Sonata No.3 in f-moll (1853) Op. 5
Piano Trio in A-dur (1853-55) A. 4/5
Piano Trio No.1 in H-dur (1854/1889) Op. 8
Piano Trio No.2 in C-dur (1880/1882) Op. 87
Piano Trio No.3 in c-moll (1886) Op.101
Prelude and Fugue for organ g-moll (1857) WoO 10
Prelude and Fugue for Organ in a-moll WoO 9
Quintet for Clarinet and String Quartet in h-moll Op.115
Rakoczy March (Brahms-Liszt) A. 3/10
Rhapsody (the text by Goethe) for Contralto, Male Chorus and Orchestra (1869) Op. 53
Romanzen (aus Ludvig Tiecks Erzaehlung `Liebesgeschichte der Schoenen Magelone und des Grafen Peter Provence`) Op. 33
Romanzen und Lieder Op. 84
Scherzo for Piano in es-moll (1851) Op. 4
Scherzo for Violin and Piano in c-moll (1853) WoO 2
Scherzo, transcription for piano (Scherzo from Schumann`s Quintet, Op.44) (1854) A. 1a/7
Sechs Quartette (1888/1891) Op.112
Serenade for Orchestra ¹1 in D-dur (1858) Op. 11
Serenade for Orchestra ¹2 in A-dur (1859) Op. 16
Six four-voiced songs and romances Op. 93a
Sonata for Clarinet (or Viola) and Piano No.1 in f-moll (1894) Op.120/1
Sonata for Clarinet (or Viola) and Piano No.2 in Es-dur Op.120/2
Sonata for Two Pianos (preliminary edition of the Piano Quintet, 1863-1864) Op. 34b
Song `Mondnacht` WoO 21
Song `Regenlied` (1872) WoO 23
String Quartet No.1 in c-moll Op. 51/1
String Quartet No.2 in a-moll Op. 51/2
String Quartet No.3 in B-dur Op. 67
String Quintet No.1 in F-dur Op. 88
String Quintet No.2 in G-dur Op.111
String Sextet No.1 in B-dur (1858-60) Op. 18
String Sextet No.2 in G-dur (1864-65) Op. 36
Study No. 2 (`Rondo` after Weber, Op. 24) A. 1a/1/2
Study No. 4 (Presto after J. S. Bach, version 2) A. 1a/1/4
Symphony No.1 in c-moll (1862-76) Op. 68
Symphony No.2 in D-dur (1877) Op. 73
Symphony No.3 in F-dur (1883) Op. 90
Symphony No.4 in e-moll (1884-85) Op. 98
The Gesang der Parzen (The Song of parkas) ( text by Goethe) for 6-voiced chorus and orchestra Op. 89
Theme with Variations in d-moll (from Sextet op.18) Op. 18à
Three Cadences for Mozart`s Piano Concerto No.17 (K. 453) (¹ 1 for the first part, ¹ 2, 3 - for the second) WoO 13
Tragic Overture (1880 - 1881) Op. 81
Transcription for Piano (for the Left Hand) of Chaconne in D minor by J. S. Bach A. 1a/1/5
Trio for Clarinet, Cello & Piano in a-moll (1891) Op.114
Trio for Violin, Horn & Piano in Es-dur Op. 40
Trio `Hymn in honor of the great Joachim` for 2 violins and cello (1853) A. 3/ 1
Two Cadenzas for Beethoven`s Piano Concerto No. 4 (Op. 58) (¹ 1 - for part ¹ 1, ¹ 2 - for the part ¹ 3) WoO 12
Two Gigues for Piano (1855) WoO 4
Variations and Fugue on a theme by Händel for Ðiano (1861) Op. 24
Variations for 2 pianos on a Theme by J.Haydn op. 56b
Variations for piano on an original theme (1856-57) Op. 21/1
Variations for piano on Hungarian theme Op. 21/2
Variations on a Theme by Haydn (1873) Op. 56a
Variations on a theme by Haydn for 2 Pianos (1873) Op. 56b
Variations on a Theme by Paganini (1862-63) Op. 35
Variations on a Theme of R.Schumann for piano in four hands (1861) Op. 23
Variations on a Theme of Schumann (1854) Op. 9
Vier ernste Gesänge (1896) Op.121
Violin Sonata No.1 in G-dur (1878-79) Op. 78
Violin Sonata No.2 in A-dur Op.100
Violin Sonata No.3 in d-moll Op.108
Waltzes `New Song of Love ` (1877) Op. 65a
Waltzes `Songs of Love` (`Liebesliederwalzer`) arranged for two pianos Op. 52a
`Albumblatt` in A minor (1853) A. deest
`Fest- und Gedenksprueche` for 8-part chorus a cappella Op.109
`Funeral Song` for choir and wind instruments Op. 13
`Liebeslieder` - 18 Waltzes for 4 soloists and piano 4 hands (1869) Op. 52
`Marienlieder` for Mixed Choir a capella Op. 22
`Nänie` (on Schiller`s text) for Chorus and Orchestra (1880-1881) Op. 82
`Song of Fate` (on a text by Hölderlin) for chorus and orchestra (1868-1871) Op. 54
`Souvenir de la Russie` - 6 Fantasias on Russian and Gipsy Melodies for piano by 4 hands (1852) A. 4/6
`Triumphlied` for 6-voiced chorus and orchestra (1871) Op. 55
`Zigeunerlieder` (1887–88) Op.103

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