(J. S. Bach) Study No. 3 (Presto after Sonata, BWV 1001)  |
A. 1a/1/3
(Schubert) 20 Ländler for piano (1869)  |
A. 1a/6
11 Choral Preludes for Organ (1896)  |
12 German Folk Songs for chorus and piabo ad lib. (1857-64)  |
WoO 35
12 Lieder und Romanzen for female chorus and piano (1859–60)  |
Op. 44
13 Kanons for the three-voiced female choir  |
13th Psalm (for female Chorus and organ)  |
Op. 27
14 German Folk Songs for chorus and piano (1857/1864)  |
WoO 34
15 Volkskinderlieder for Voice and Piano (1857)  |
WoO 31
15 Volkskinderlieder for Voice and Piano (excerpts)  |
16 German folk songs for Female Choir and Piano ad lib (1859–62)  |
WoO 37
16 Waltzes for piano  |
Op. 39
2 Gavottes for Piano (1855)  |
WoO 3
2 Gesänge for Voice, Viola and Piano (1863/1884)  |
Op. 91
2 Motets, for mixed chorus (1860): ¹ 1 `Es ist das Heil uns kommen her`  |
Op. 29/1
2 Motets, for mixed chorus (1860): ¹ 2 `Schaffe in mir, Gott, ein rein Herz`  |
Op. 29/2
2 Motets, for mixed chorus (1863–77): ¹ 1 `Warum ist das Licht gegeben dem Muehseligen`  |
Op. 74/1
2 Motets, for mixed chorus (1863–77): ¹ 2 `O Heiland, reiss die Himmel auf`  |
Op. 74/2
2 Motetten for 5-mized chorus a capella  |
Op. 29
2 Motetten for mixed chorus a cappella  |
Op. 74
2 Rhapsodies for Piano  |
Op. 79
2 Sarabandas for piano (1854-55)  |
WoO 5
20 German folk songs for female choir and piano ad lib (1859–62)  |
WoO 38
28 German Folk Songs for Voice and Piano (1858)  |
WoO 32
3 Duos for Soprano, Contralto and Piano (1858-60)  |
Op. 20
3 Gesaenge for 6-part choir a cappella (1859)  |
Op. 42
3 Intermezzo for Piano (1892)  |
3 Motetten for eight-and four-voiced mixed chorus  |
3 quartets for voices and piano (1859/1863)  |
Op. 31
3 Quartette (1874)  |
Op. 64
3i geistlische Choere a cappella (1859)  |
Op. 37
4 Ballades and Romances (1877–78)  |
Op. 75
4 Ballades for Piano (1854)  |
Op. 10
4 Duets for Soprano, Contralto and Piano (1852–74)  |
Op. 61
4 duos for alto, baritone and piano (1860–62)  |
Op. 28
4 Gesänge (1860–66)  |
Op. 43
4 Gesänge (1875–77)  |
Op. 70
4 Gesaenge for female choir, two horns and harp  |
Op. 17
4 Lieder (1864–68)  |
Op. 46
4 Lieder (1884)  |
Op. 96
4 Pieces for Piano  |
4 Quartets for chorus (1884)  |
Op. 92
49 Deutsche Volkslieder (1894)  |
WoO 33
49 Deutsche Volkslieder (excerpts)  |
5 Duets for Soprano & Contralto (1875)  |
Op. 66
5 Gesänge (1876–77)  |
Op. 72
5 Gesänge (1877)  |
Op. 71
5 Lieder (1858–68)  |
Op. 47
5 Lieder (1867–68)  |
Op. 49
5 Lieder (1884)  |
Op. 94
5 Lieder (1886)  |
5 Lieder (1886/1888)  |
5 Lieder (1886–88)  |
5 songs (Songs of Ophelia) for soprano and piano ad lib (1873)  |
WoO 22
51 Exercises for Piano (1850–93)  |
WoO 6
6 Gesänge (1851-53)  |
Op. 7
6 Gesänge (1852-53)  |
Op. 6
6 Gesänge (1853)  |
Op. 3
6 Lieder (1877–82)  |
Op. 86
6 Lieder (1884–85)  |
Op. 97
6 Pieces for Piano (1893)  |
6 Songs (1878–82)  |
Op. 85
7 Fantasies (3 Capriccio and 4 Intermezzo, 1892)  |
7 Lieder (1853–68)  |
Op. 48
7 Lieder (1884)  |
Op. 95
7 Lieder for mixed choir (1873–74)  |
Op. 62
8 German folk songs for female choir and piano ad lib (1859-62)  |
WoO 36
8 Lieder (1871)  |
Op. 58
8 Lieder and Romances (1858)  |
Op. 14
8 Lieder und Gesänge (1871)  |
Op. 57
9 Lieder und Gesänge (1864)  |
Op. 32
9 Lieder (1877)  |
Op. 69
Akademische Festouvertüre (1880)  |
Op. 80
Ave Maria for women`s choir and orchestra (or organ)  |
Op. 12
Cadenza for Beethoven`s Piano Concerto No.3  |
A. 4/7
Cadenza for Mozart`s Piano Concerto No. 20 (K. 466)  |
WoO 14
Cadenza for Mozart`s Piano Concerto No. 24 (K. 491)  |
WoO 15
Cadenza for the concert of I. S. Bach (BWV in 1052) (1855–61)  |
WoO 11
Canon in F minor for piano (1864)  |
A. 3/ 2
Canon `Grausam erweiset sich Amor` (Cupid is cruel to me) for female choir (1863)  |
WoO 24
Canon `Mir lachelt kein Fruhling` (Spring does not smile at me) for female choir (1877)  |
WoO 25
Canon `O wie sanft` (Ah, how smoothly) for female choir (1870)  |
WoO 26
Canon `Spruch` for voice and viola (1854-55)  |
WoO 27
Canon `Tone, lindernder Klang` (Do not shut up, gentle sounds) for female / mixed choir (1861)  |
WoO 28
Canon `Wann?` (When?) For soprano and alto (1881)  |
WoO 29
Canon `Zu Rauch muss werden` (Will turn into smoke) for mixed choir (1870)  |
WoO 30
Cantata `Rinaldo` for Tenor, Male Chorus and Orchestra  |
Op. 50
Cello Sonata No.1 in e-moll  |
Op. 38
Cello Sonata No.2 in F-dur  |
Op. 99
Choir Dem dunklen Schoß der heilgen Erde, the words by Schiller, Op. 133 ¹1  |
WoO 20
Choir `Dein Herzlein mild` (Your tender heart) for female voices a cappella (1860)  |
WoO 19
Chorale Prelude and Fugue for organ in A minor `O Traurigkeit, o Herzeleid` (1858/1873)  |
WoO 7
Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in D-dur  |
Op. 77
Concerto for Violin, Cello and Orchestra in a-moll  |
Drinking song `Dank der Damen` (Thanks to the ladies) for choir and piano (1884)  |
Op. 93b
Ein Deutsches Requiem |
Ein Deutsches Requiem |
Fünf Gesaenge for mixed choir  |
Five Studies (1852/1862/1877)  |
A. 1a/1
Fuenf Gedichte (1858-59)  |
Op. 19
Fuenf Lieder for male choir (1861–62)  |
Op. 41
Fugue as-moll for organ (1856)  |
WoO 8
Gavotte for Piano in A Major (Arrangement of fragment of Gluck`s Iphigenia in Aulis)  |
A. 1a/2
Geistliches Lied for mixed choir and organ  |
Op. 30
German Requiem (1866)  |
Op. 45
Hungarian Dance No. 1 in g-moll  |
WoO 1/ 1
Hungarian Dance No. 2 in d-moll  |
WoO 1/ 2
Hungarian Dance No. 3 in F-dur  |
WoO 1/ 3
Hungarian Dance No. 4 in f-moll  |
WoO 1/ 4
Hungarian Dance No. 5 in fis-moll  |
WoO 1/ 5
Hungarian Dance No. 6 in Des-dur  |
WoO 1/ 6
Hungarian Dance No. 7 in A-dur  |
WoO 1/ 7
Hungarian Dance No. 8 in a-moll  |
WoO 1/ 8
Hungarian Dance No. 9 in e-moll  |
WoO 1/ 9
Hungarian Dance No.10 in F-dur  |
WoO 1/10
Hungarian Dance No.11 in d-moll  |
WoO 1/11
Hungarian Dance No.12 in d-moll  |
WoO 1/12
Hungarian Dance No.13 in D-dur  |
WoO 1/13
Hungarian Dance No.14 in d-moll  |
WoO 1/14
Hungarian Dance No.15 in B-dur  |
WoO 1/15
Hungarian Dance No.16 in f-moll  |
WoO 1/16
Hungarian Dance No.17 in fis-moll  |
WoO 1/17
Hungarian Dance No.18 in D-dur  |
WoO 1/18
Hungarian Dance No.19 in h-moll  |
WoO 1/19
Hungarian Dance No.20 in e-moll  |
WoO 1/21
Hungarian Dance No.20 in e-moll  |
WoO 1/20
Hungarian Dances for piano (4 notebooks, a total of 21 dance)  |
WoO 1
Impromptu in E-flat major for the Left Hand (Schubert, D.899, ¹ 2)  |
A. 4/2
Kyrie for Choir and Basso Continuo in g-moll (1856)  |
WoO 17
Lieder und Gesänge  |
Op. 59
Lieder und Gesänge (1874)  |
Op. 63
Little Wedding Cantata (Kleine Hochzeits-Kantate) for choir and piano (1874)  |
WoO 16
Missa Canonica in C (1856–61)  |
WoO 18
Neue Lieberlieder- 15 Walzer fuer vier Singstimmen und Klavier zu vier Haenden  |
Op. 65
Parts of Works and Fragments of Cycles  |
Piano Concerto No.1 in d-moll (1856-57)  |
Op. 15
Piano Concerto No.2 in B-dur (1881)  |
Op. 83
Piano Piece in B-dur (1859-62)  |
A. 3/ 4
Piano pieces (4 Capriccio and 4 Intermezzo)  |
Op. 76
Piano Quartet No.1 in g-moll (1856–61)  |
Op. 25
Piano Quartet No.2 in A-dur (1861)  |
Op. 26
Piano Quartet No.3 in c-moll (1875)  |
Op. 60
Piano Quintet in f-moll (1864)  |
Op. 34
Piano Sonata No.1 in C-dur (1852-53)  |
Op. 1
Piano Sonata No.2 in fis-moll (1852)  |
Op. 2
Piano Sonata No.3 in f-moll (1853)  |
Op. 5
Piano Trio in A-dur (1853-55)  |
A. 4/5
Piano Trio No.1 in H-dur (1854/1889)  |
Op. 8
Piano Trio No.2 in C-dur (1880/1882)  |
Op. 87
Piano Trio No.3 in c-moll (1886)  |
Prelude and Fugue for organ g-moll (1857)  |
WoO 10
Prelude and Fugue for Organ in a-moll  |
WoO 9
Quintet for Clarinet and String Quartet in h-moll  |
Rakoczy March (Brahms-Liszt)  |
A. 3/10
Rhapsody (the text by Goethe) for Contralto, Male Chorus and Orchestra (1869)  |
Op. 53
Romanzen (aus Ludvig Tiecks Erzaehlung `Liebesgeschichte der Schoenen Magelone und des Grafen Peter Provence`)  |
Op. 33
Romanzen und Lieder  |
Op. 84
Scherzo for Piano in es-moll (1851)  |
Op. 4
Scherzo for Violin and Piano in c-moll (1853)  |
WoO 2
Scherzo, transcription for piano (Scherzo from Schumann`s Quintet, Op.44) (1854)  |
A. 1a/7
Sechs Quartette (1888/1891)  |
Serenade for Orchestra ¹1 in D-dur (1858)  |
Op. 11
Serenade for Orchestra ¹2 in A-dur (1859)  |
Op. 16
Six four-voiced songs and romances  |
Op. 93a
Sonata for Clarinet (or Viola) and Piano No.1 in f-moll (1894)  |
Sonata for Clarinet (or Viola) and Piano No.2 in Es-dur  |
Sonata for Two Pianos (preliminary edition of the Piano Quintet, 1863-1864)  |
Op. 34b
Song `Mondnacht`  |
WoO 21
Song `Regenlied` (1872)  |
WoO 23
String Quartet No.1 in c-moll  |
Op. 51/1
String Quartet No.2 in a-moll  |
Op. 51/2
String Quartet No.3 in B-dur  |
Op. 67
String Quintet No.1 in F-dur  |
Op. 88
String Quintet No.2 in G-dur  |
String Sextet No.1 in B-dur (1858-60)  |
Op. 18
String Sextet No.2 in G-dur (1864-65)  |
Op. 36
Study No. 2 (`Rondo` after Weber, Op. 24)  |
A. 1a/1/2
Study No. 4 (Presto after J. S. Bach, version 2)  |
A. 1a/1/4
Symphony No.1 in c-moll (1862-76)  |
Op. 68
Symphony No.2 in D-dur (1877)  |
Op. 73
Symphony No.3 in F-dur (1883)  |
Op. 90
Symphony No.4 in e-moll (1884-85)  |
Op. 98
The Gesang der Parzen (The Song of parkas) ( text by Goethe) for 6-voiced chorus and orchestra  |
Op. 89
Theme with Variations in d-moll (from Sextet op.18)  |
Op. 18à
Three Cadences for Mozart`s Piano Concerto No.17 (K. 453) (¹ 1 for the first part, ¹ 2, 3 - for the second)  |
WoO 13
Tragic Overture (1880 - 1881)  |
Op. 81
Transcription for Piano (for the Left Hand) of Chaconne in D minor by J. S. Bach  |
A. 1a/1/5
Trio for Clarinet, Cello & Piano in a-moll (1891)  |
Trio for Violin, Horn & Piano in Es-dur  |
Op. 40
Trio `Hymn in honor of the great Joachim` for 2 violins and cello (1853)  |
A. 3/ 1
Two Cadenzas for Beethoven`s Piano Concerto No. 4 (Op. 58) (¹ 1 - for part ¹ 1, ¹ 2 - for the part ¹ 3)  |
WoO 12
Two Gigues for Piano (1855)  |
WoO 4
Variations and Fugue on a theme by Händel for Ðiano (1861)  |
Op. 24
Variations for 2 pianos on a Theme by J.Haydn |
op. 56b
Variations for piano on an original theme (1856-57)  |
Op. 21/1
Variations for piano on Hungarian theme  |
Op. 21/2
Variations on a Theme by Haydn (1873)  |
Op. 56a
Variations on a theme by Haydn for 2 Pianos (1873)  |
Op. 56b
Variations on a Theme by Paganini (1862-63)  |
Op. 35
Variations on a Theme of R.Schumann for piano in four hands (1861)  |
Op. 23
Variations on a Theme of Schumann (1854)  |
Op. 9
Vier ernste Gesänge (1896)  |
Violin Sonata No.1 in G-dur (1878-79)  |
Op. 78
Violin Sonata No.2 in A-dur  |
Violin Sonata No.3 in d-moll  |
Waltzes `New Song of Love ` (1877)  |
Op. 65a
Waltzes `Songs of Love` (`Liebesliederwalzer`) arranged for two pianos  |
Op. 52a
`Albumblatt` in A minor (1853)  |
A. deest
`Fest- und Gedenksprueche` for 8-part chorus a cappella  |
`Funeral Song` for choir and wind instruments  |
Op. 13
`Liebeslieder` - 18 Waltzes for 4 soloists and piano 4 hands (1869)  |
Op. 52
`Marienlieder` for Mixed Choir a capella  |
Op. 22
`Nänie` (on Schiller`s text) for Chorus and Orchestra (1880-1881)  |
Op. 82
`Song of Fate` (on a text by Hölderlin) for chorus and orchestra (1868-1871)  |
Op. 54
`Souvenir de la Russie` - 6 Fantasias on Russian and Gipsy Melodies for piano by 4 hands (1852)  |
A. 4/6
`Triumphlied` for 6-voiced chorus and orchestra (1871)  |
Op. 55
`Zigeunerlieder` (1887–88)  |