David Douglass

David Douglass (conductor)
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Peri, Jacopo - Un di, soletto
Peri, Jacopo - O durezza di ferro
Sabino, Don Giovanni Maria - Gagliarda Falsa
Zanetti, Gasparo - Dances from: Il Scolaro (1645)
Peri, Jacopo - Qual cadavero spirante
Castello, Dario - Sonata 16 (sedicesima) (1629)
Vitali, Filippo - Se pur è ver
Rovetta, Giovanni - Le Lagrime d`Erminia
Trabaci, Giovanni - Galliard III (bases on ``La Mantoana``)
Trabaci, Giovanni - Consonanze stravaganti
Trabaci, Giovanni - Galliard I (known as ``The Gallant One``)
Dell Arpa, Giovanni Leonardo - Galliard
Anonymous, - English traditional: Cockleshells
Lassus, Orlando de - Susanne un jour, chanson (a 5)
Anonymous, - English traditional: The Glory of the Sun
Willaert, Adrian - Baisez moy tant
Anonymous, - English traditional: The Bear`s Dance
Anonymous, - English traditional: Faronell`s Division on a Ground
Anonymous, - English traditional: Sir Martin Marah`s Jigg
Anonymous, - 16th-Century French song: Mon Dieu la belle Entrée
Anonymous, - English traditional: Hundson House
Anonymous, - English traditional: Long Cold Nights
Anonymous, - English traditional: `Tom Scarlett`
Anonymous, - English traditional: Paul`s Steeple, or the Duke of Norfolk
Anonymous, - English traditional: The Queen`s Jigg
Anonymous, - English traditional: Johney Cock thy Beaver: A Scotch Tune to a Ground
Anonymous, - English traditional: Moll Peatly, or the Old Marrinett
Anonymous, - English traditional: Another Division on a Ground by Mr. P. B.
Anonymous, - 16th-Century French dances: Almande/Saltarello/Schiarazula Marazula
Anonymous, - 16th-Century French dance: Pavane and Galliarde ``de la Battaille``
Anonymous, - 16th-Century French song: Les Bouffons
Rore, Cipriano de - Susanne un jour
Anonymous, - English traditional: Prelude for Violin
Anonymous, - 16th-Century French dancing
Anonymous, - 16th-Century French dance: Première Suite de Branles
Anonymous, - 16th-Century French dance: L`arboscello ballo furlano
Anonymous, - 16th-Century French dance: Première Suite de Branles d`Écosse


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