Hugh the Drover or Love in the Stocks 191014; revised 1924 1933 1956. Romantic ballad opera in 2 acts with libretto by Harold Child later revised by Ralph and Ursula Vaughan Williams

Opera `Hugh the Drover, or Love in the Stocks` (1910–14; revised 1924, 1933, 1956),  (Vaughan-Williams)
1978 Chogis master - John McCarthy. Choristers of 5t Paul`s Cathedral. Choig master - Barry Rose. Hugh the Drover - Robert Tear, Mary (the Constable`s daughter) - Sheila Armstrong, John the Butcher - Michael Rippon, The Constable - Robert Lloyd, Aunt Jane (the Constable`s sister) - Helen Watts, A Cheap-Jack - Leslie Fyson, A Shell-Fish Seller - Oliver In the House, A Primrose Seller - Sally Burgess, A Showman - Terence Sharpe, A BaIlad Seller - David Johnston, Susan - Lynda Richardson.

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