Introduction and eighteen songs for nine voices and ten instruments to the texts of nursery rhymes from Bohemia Moravia and Subcarpathian Ruthenia

1. Úvod Introduction
2. Rípa se vdávala Turnip was getting married
3. Není lepsíjako z jara Nothing`s nicer than early spring
4. Leze krtek Mole is crawling around his patch
5. Karel do pekla zajel Karel rode to hell
6. Roztrhané kalhoty Torn trousers
7. Franta rasu hrál na basu Frank from the Knacker family plays the bass
8. Nás pes nás pes Our dog our dog
9. Delám delám kázání I`m preaching a sermon
10. Stará bába carovala The old woman was casting spells
11. Hó hó krávy dó Ho ho the cows are coming
12. Moje zena malucická My tiny little wife
13. Bába leze do bezu The old woman`s crawling into the elder-tree
14. Koza bílá hrusky sbírá The white goat`s picking pears
15. Nemec brouk hrnce tlouk The surly German banged the pots
16. Koza lezí na sene Goat lies on the hay
17. Vasek pasek bebník Silly Billy Drummer-Boy
18. Frantíku Frantíke Frankie Frankie
19. Sedet` medvid` Bear was sitting on the tree trunk

Ríkadla (Nursery Rhymes, 1926), JW 5/17 (Janacek)
¹¹ 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 14, 17, 18. Clarinet – Victoria Samek. Voices: Victoria Couper, Clemmie Franks, Emily Burn. Recorded: 27-29 July 2018 at All Saints Church, London. Original version for 1-3 voices, clarinet & piano.

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