Julius Drake

Julius Drake (piano)
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Anonymous, - American traditional songs
Beethoven, Ludwig van - Parts of compositions
Blake, Howard - Walking in the Air (from ``The Snowman``), op.615
Britten, Benjamin - A Crocodile
Britten, Benjamin - Bird Scarer’s Song
Britten, Benjamin - David of the White Rock
Britten, Benjamin - Folk Songs (unpublished): `Greensleeves`
Britten, Benjamin - Folk Songs (unpublished): `The Deaf Woman`s Courtship`
Britten, Benjamin - I wonder as I wander
Britten, Benjamin - Lemady
Britten, Benjamin - She’s like the swallow
Britten, Benjamin - Song Cycle `Songs and Proverbs of William Blake` for Baritone and Piano (1965), op. 74
Britten, Benjamin - The Red Cockatoo & other songs
Britten, Benjamin - Tit for tat
Britten, Benjamin - Tom Bowling
Britten, Benjamin - Triptych
Dutilleux, Henri - Sonata for Oboe and Piano
Emanuel, Louis - The Desert
Faure, Gabriel - Cinq melodies `de Venise`, based on poems by Paul Verlaine (1891), op. 58
Faure, Gabriel - Four Songs, op. 39
Faure, Gabriel - Poeme d`un jour, op. 21
Faure, Gabriel - Three Songs for Voice and Piano, op. 18
Faure, Gabriel - Two Songs, op. 83
Gershwin, George - 3 Preludes for piano (1926)
Hahn, Reynaldo - `Venezia` - 6 Chansons en dialecte vénitien (1901)
Haydn, Joseph - Song `Sympathy`, Hob XXVIa: 33
Henze, Hans Werner - Drei Lieder nach Auden
Henze, Hans Werner - Sechs Gesaenge aus dem Arabischen (1997-98)
Ives, Charles - 114 Songs (1922): ¹ 2 `Evening` (1921, J. Milton), S.244
Ives, Charles - 114 Songs (1922): ¹ 3 `The Last Reader` (1921, O. W. Holmes), S.286
Ives, Charles - 114 Songs (1922): ¹ 24 `Premonitions` (1921, R. Johnson), S.328
Ives, Charles - 114 Songs (1922): ¹ 28 `On the Counter` (1920, Ch. Ives), S.320
Ives, Charles - 114 Songs (1922): ¹ 29 `The See`r` (1920, Ives), S.344
Ives, Charles - 114 songs (1922): ¹ 44 `Watchman!` (1913, J. Bowring), S.386
Ives, Charles - 114 Songs (1922): ¹ 45 `At the River` (1916, R. Lowry), S.214
Ives, Charles - 114 Songs (1922): ¹ 49 `In Flanders Fields` (1917, J. McCrae), S.277
Ives, Charles - 114 Songs (1922): ¹ 53 `In the Alley` (1896, Ives), S.279
Ives, Charles - 114 Songs (1922): ¹ 55 `Down East` (1919, Ives), S.236
Ives, Charles - 114 Songs (1922): ¹ 56 `The Circus band` (1894, Ives), S.229
Ives, Charles - 114 Songs (1922): ¹ 57 `Mists` (1910), S.301
Ives, Charles - 114 Songs (1922): ¹ 58 `Evidence` (1898, Ives), S.245
Ives, Charles - 114 Songs (1922): ¹ 63 `Those evening bells` (1903, T. Moore), S.374
Ives, Charles - 114 Songs (1922): ¹ 66 `The Light that is Felt` (1904, J. G. Whittier), S.287
Ives, Charles - 114 Songs (1922): ¹ 68 `Ilmenau` (1901-02, Goethe), S.272
Ives, Charles - 114 Songs (1922): ¹ 74 `The Children`s Hour` (1901, H. Longfellow), S.227
Ives, Charles - 114 Songs (1922): ¹ 86 `Omens and Oracles` (1900, E. R. Bulwer-Lytton), S.317
Ives, Charles - 114 Songs (1922): ¹ 88 `A Night Song` (1895, T. Moore), S.310
Ives, Charles - 114 Songs (1922): ¹ 95 `Allegro` (1900, Ives), S.208
Ives, Charles - 114 Songs (1922): ¹ 96 `Romanzo (di Central Park)` (1900, L. Hunt), S.336
Ives, Charles - 114 Songs (1922): ¹ 97 `The South Wind` (1899), S.362
Ives, Charles - 114 Songs (1922): ¹100 `A Christmas Carol` (1894, Ives), S.228
Ives, Charles - 114 Songs (1922): ¹101 `My Native Land` (1895, H. Heine), S.304
Ives, Charles - 114 songs (1922): ¹102 `Memories: Very Pleasant/Rather Sad` (1897), S.297
Ives, Charles - 114 Songs (1922): ¹104 Two Little Flowers, S.379
Ives, Charles - 114 Songs (1922): ¹108 `Songs my mother taught me` (1895, A. Heyduk), S.361
Ives, Charles - 114 songs (1922): ¹110 `The World`s Wanderers`, S.398
Ives, Charles - 114 Songs (1922): ¹112 `To Edith` (1919), S.376
Ives, Charles - 114 Songs (1922): ¹114 `Slow March` (1887-88, Ives), S.349
Ives, Charles - Song `They are there` (1917, Ives), S.371
Janacek, Leos - Moravská lidová poesie v písních (Moravian Folk Poetry in Songs, 1892–1901): ¹ 1 `Láska`, JW 5/ 2, ¹ 1
Janacek, Leos - Moravská lidová poesie v písních (Moravian Folk Poetry in Songs, 1892–1901): ¹ 4 `Záre od milého`, JW 5/ 2, ¹ 4
Janacek, Leos - Moravská lidová poesie v písních (Moravian Folk Poetry in Songs, 1892–1901): ¹ 8 `Polajka`, JW 5/ 2, ¹ 8
Janacek, Leos - Moravská lidová poesie v písních (Moravian Folk Poetry in Songs, 1892–1901): ¹16 `Stálost`, JW 5/ 2, ¹16
Janacek, Leos - Moravská lidová poesie v písních (Moravian Folk Poetry in Songs, 1892–1901): ¹17 `Komu kytka`, JW 5/ 2, ¹17
Janacek, Leos - Moravská lidová poesie v písních (Moravian Folk Poetry in Songs, 1892–1901): ¹19 `Pérecko`, JW 5/ 2, ¹19
Janacek, Leos - Moravská lidová poesie v písních (Moravian Folk Poetry in Songs, 1892–1901): ¹20 `Tužba`, JW 5/ 2, ¹20
Janacek, Leos - Moravská lidová poesie v písních (Moravian Folk Poetry in Songs, 1892–1901): ¹22 `Památkó`, JW 5/ 2, ¹22
Janacek, Leos - Moravská lidová poesie v písních (Moravian Folk Poetry in Songs, 1892–1901): ¹28 `Nejistota`, JW 5/ 2, ¹28
Janacek, Leos - Moravská lidová poesie v písních (Moravian Folk Poetry in Songs, 1892–1901): ¹30 `Rozmarýn`, JW 5/ 2, ¹30
Janacek, Leos - Moravská lidová poesie v písních (Moravian Folk Poetry in Songs, 1892–1901): ¹33 `Pomluva`, JW 5/ 2, ¹33
Janacek, Leos - Moravská lidová poesie v písních (Moravian Folk Poetry in Songs, 1892–1901): ¹50 `Muzikanti`, JW 5/ 2, ¹50
Janacek, Leos - Ríkadla (Nursery Rhymes, 1926), JW 5/17
Janacek, Leos - Zápisník zmizelého (The Diary of One Who Disappeared), Song Cycle for Tenor, Alto, 3 Female Voices and Piano, JW 5/12
Kodaly, Zoltan - 9 epigrams for Cello and Piano (1954)
Kodaly, Zoltan - Adagio for violoncello and piano
Kodaly, Zoltan - Lyrical Romance for Cello and Piano (1898)
Kodaly, Zoltan - Sonatina for cello and piano in a-moll
Kreisler, Fritz - Alt-Wiener Tanzweisen: ¹ 2 `Liebesleid` (1905)
Kreisler, Fritz - Syncopation (1926)
Liszt, Franz - 3 songs from Schiller`s `Wilhelm Tell` for voice and piano (1845, rev. 1859), S.292
Liszt, Franz - 3 songs from Schiller`s `Wilhelm Tell` for voice and piano (rev. 1859), II version, S.292, ¹ 2
Liszt, Franz - Mignons Lied: `Kennst du das Land` (1842), I version, S.275, ¹ 1
Liszt, Franz - Song `Angiolin dal biondo crin` for voice and piano, S.269
Liszt, Franz - Song `Bist du!` for voice and piano (1844), S.277
Liszt, Franz - Song `Comment, disaient-ils`, II version (1849–59), S.276, ¹ 2
Liszt, Franz - Song `Der Glückliche` for voice and piano, S.334
Liszt, Franz - Song `Die Loreley` (1841), I version, S.273, ¹ 1
Liszt, Franz - Song `Die Macht der Musik` (Power of Music) for voice and piano (1848), S.302
Liszt, Franz - Song `Die stille Wasserrose` for voice and piano, S.321
Liszt, Franz - Song `Die Zelle in Nonnenwerth`, I version (1841), S.274, ¹ 1
Liszt, Franz - Song `Enfant, si j`etais roi`, II version, S.283, ¹ 2
Liszt, Franz - Song `Es rauschen die Winde` for voice and piano, S.294
Liszt, Franz - Song `Im Rhein, im schönen Strome` for voice and piano, S.272
Liszt, Franz - Song `In Liebeslust` for voice and piano, S.318
Liszt, Franz - Song `Kling leise, mein Lied` for voice and piano, S.301
Liszt, Franz - Song `Kling leise, mein Lied`, II version, S.301, ¹ 2
Liszt, Franz - Song `Oh! Quand je dors`, II version, S.282, ¹ 2
Liszt, Franz - Song `Quand tu chantes bercée` (1842), S.306a
Liszt, Franz - Song `Schwebe, schwebe, blaues Auge` for voice and piano, S.305
Liszt, Franz - Song `Schwebe, schwebe, blaues Auge`, 1 version (1845), S.305, ¹ 1
Liszt, Franz - Song `S`il est un charmant gazon`, II version (1849–59), S.284, ¹ 2
Liszt, Franz - Song `Wie singt die Lerche schön` for voice and piano, S.312
Liszt, Franz - The song `Wo weilt er?` (`Where is he?`) for voice and piano (1844)
Liszt, Franz - Tre sonetti di Petrarca for voice and piano (1838-39, 1861), S.270
Loewe, Carl - Drei Balladen (op. 1): ¹ 1 `Edward` (1818, publ. 1824), op. 1, ¹ 1
Loewe, Carl - Three Ballads (op. 20): ¹ 3 `Die Wandelnde Glocke` (1832), op. 20, ¹ 3
Mahler, Gustav - Parts of Works and Cycles
Milhaud, Darius - `Scaramouche` Suite for saxophone or clarinet and orchestra (1937-39), op.165c
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Song `Abendempfindung an Laura` for Voice and Piano (1787), KV523
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus - Song `An Chloe` for Voice and Piano (1787), KV524
Porter, Cole Albert - The Tale of the Oyster
Ravel, Mauãice - 2 melodies hebraize (1914), M.A 22
Ravel, Mauãice - Chants populaires (1910), M.A 17
Ravel, Mauãice - Ronsard a son ame (Pierre de Ronsard), M 75
Ravel, Mauãice - Song `Noel Des jouets` for Voice and Piano (1905), for Voice and Orchestra (1906), M 47
Ravel, Mauãice - Two songs after Clément Marot, M 10, M 21
Ravel, Mauãice - `Don Quichotte A Dulcinee` song cycle for baritone and orchestra to words by Paul Morand (1932-33), M 84
Ravel, Mauãice - `Histoires naturelles` song cycle for medium voice and piano to words by Jules Renard (1906), M 50
Ravel, Mauãice - `Les grands vents venus d`outre-mer` Song for voice and piano to words by Henri de Renier (1906), M 48
Ravel, Mauãice - `Sur l herbe` Song for voice and piano to words by Paul Verlaine (1907), M 53
Ravel, Mauãice - `Un grand sommeil noir` - Song for deep voice and piano to words by Paul Verlaine (1895), M 6
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay - `Flight of the Bumblebee` (1899-1900), op.deest 46
Saint-Saens, Camille - Oboe Sonata in D-dur (1921), op.166
Satie, Erik - Trois Gymnopedies for piano (1888), ES 10
Schoek, Othmar - 12 Eichendorff-Lieder, op. 30
Schoek, Othmar - 2 Gesänge, op. 9
Schoek, Othmar - 3 Lieder, op. 7
Schoek, Othmar - 5 Lieder, op. 31
Schoek, Othmar - Das holde Bescheiden, Heft 1, op. 62/1
Schoek, Othmar - Das holde Bescheiden, Heft 2, op. 62/2
Schubert, Franz - Song Über Wildemann (Text by E. K. F. Schulze) (Op. 108/1), D 884
Schubert, Franz - Song cycle `Die Winterreise`, op. 89 (1827), D 911
Schubert, Franz - Song `Abendbilder` (”Still beginnt`s im Hain”, 1819) for Voice & Piano, D 650
Schubert, Franz - Song `Abendstern` (”Was weilst du einsam an dem Himmel”), D 806
Schubert, Franz - Song `Alinde` (”Die Sonne sinkt ins tiefe Meer”) (Op.81/1), D 904
Schubert, Franz - Song `Am Flusse` (”Verfließet, vielgeliebte Lieder”), 2nd version, D 766
Schubert, Franz - Song `Am See`, D 746
Schubert, Franz - Song `Am Tage aller Seelen (”Ruh in Frieden alle Seelen”), D 343
Schubert, Franz - Song `An den Mond`, D 296
Schubert, Franz - Song `An den Mond` (Füllest wieder Busch und Tal), D 259
Schubert, Franz - Song `An den Mond` (op. 57 No. 3), D 193
Schubert, Franz - Song `An die Entfernte` (”So hab ich wirklich dich verloren”), D 765
Schubert, Franz - Song `An die Leier` (”Ich will von Atreus Soåhnen”) (Op.56/2), D 737
Schubert, Franz - Song `An die Musik` (”Du holde Kunst…”) (Op.88/4), D 547
Schubert, Franz - Song `An Silvia` (”Was ist Silvia, saget an”) (Op.106/4), D 891
Schubert, Franz - Song `Auf dem Wasser zu singen` (”Mitten im Schimmer der spiegelnden Wellen”) (Op.72), D 774
Schubert, Franz - Song `Auf der Donau` (”Auf der Wellen Spiegel”) (Op.21/1), D 553
Schubert, Franz - Song `Auf der Riesenkoppe` (” Hoch auf dem Gipfel”), D 611
Schubert, Franz - Song `Auflösung` (”Verbirg dich, Sonne”), D 807
Schubert, Franz - Song `Daß sie hier gewesen` (”Daß der Ostwind…”) - Op.59, ¹ 3, D 775
Schubert, Franz - Song `Der Fischer`, D 225
Schubert, Franz - Song `Der Geistertanz` III, D 116
Schubert, Franz - Song `Der Musensohn` (”Durch Feld und Wald zu schweifen”) (Op.92/1), D 764
Schubert, Franz - Song `Der Strom` (”Mein Leben wälzt sich”), D 565
Schubert, Franz - Song `Der Winterabend` (”Es ist so still”), D 938
Schubert, Franz - Song `Der Zwerg` (”Im trüben Licht”) (Op.22/1), D 771
Schubert, Franz - Song `Die Forelle` (”In einem Bächlein helle”) (Op.32), D 550
Schubert, Franz - Song `Die Sterne` (”Wie blitzen die Sterne”) (Op.96/1), D 939
Schubert, Franz - Song `Du bist die Ruh` (Op.59/3), D 776
Schubert, Franz - Song `Erlkönig`, op. 1, by Goethe, D 328
Schubert, Franz - Song `Erster Verlust`, D 226
Schubert, Franz - Song `Fischerweise` (”Den Fischer fechten Sorgen”) (Op.96/4), D 881
Schubert, Franz - Song `Frühlingsglaube` (”Die Linden Lüfte”) op.20/2, D 686
Schubert, Franz - Song `Ganymed` (”Wie im Morgenglanze”) (Op.19/3), D 544
Schubert, Franz - Song `Geheimes` (”Über meines Liebchens Äugeln”) (Op.14/2), D 719
Schubert, Franz - Song `Gondelfahrer` I (”Es tanzen Mond und Sterne”), D 808
Schubert, Franz - Song `Heidenröslein`, Op.3/3, D 257
Schubert, Franz - Song `Im Frühling` (”Still sitz ich”), D 882
Schubert, Franz - Song `Im Haine` (”Sonnenstrahlen durch die Tannen”) (Op.56/3), D 738
Schubert, Franz - Song `Lied eines Schiffers an die Dioskuren` (”Dioskuren, Zwillingssterne”) for Voice & Piano, op.65/1, D 360
Schubert, Franz - Song `Nacht und Träume` (Heil`ge Nacht, du sinkest nieder!”) (Op.43/2), D 827
Schubert, Franz - Song `Nachtstück` (”Wenn über Berge sich der Nebel breitet”) (Op.36/2), D 672
Schubert, Franz - Song `Rastlose Liebe`, Op.5/1, D 138
Schubert, Franz - Song `Schäfers Klagelied`, D 121à
Schubert, Franz - Song `Sei mir gegrüßt `(”O du entrinne mir” ) (Op.20/1), D 741
Schubert, Franz - Song `Seligkeit` (”Freuden sonder Zahl”) (”Minnelied”), D 433
Schubert, Franz - Song `Versunken` (”Voll Locken kraus ein Haupt”) for Voice & Piano, D 715
Schubert, Franz - Song `Viola` (”Schneeglöcklein, o Schneeglöcklein”) (Op. posth. 123), D 786
Schubert, Franz - Song `Wanderers Nachtlied I` op. 4/3, by Goethe, D 224
Schubert, Franz - Song `Wandrers Nachtlied` (”Über allen Gipfeln ist Ruh”) (Op.96/3), D 768
Schubert, Franz - Song `Wehmut` (”Wenn ich durch Wald und Fluren geh”) for Voice & Piano (Op.22/2), D 772
Schubert, Franz - Song `Widerschein` (Fischer lehnt am Bruckenbogen), D 639
Schubert, Franz - Song `Willkommen und Abschied` (”Es schlug mein Herz”) (2 versions) (Op.56/1), D 767
Schubert, Franz - Songs `Die Götter Griechenlands (”Schöne Welt, wo bist du”) (2 versions), D 677
Schumann, Robert - Ballade `Belsazar` for low voice and piano by H. Heine, Op. 57
Schumann, Robert - Fuenf Lieder und Gesaenge (1850-51), Op.127
Schumann, Robert - Liederkreis von Í. Heine fuer eine Singstimme und Pianoforte (1840), Op. 24
Schumann, Robert - Liederkreis. Zwoelf Gesaenge for voice and piano by J. von Eichendorff, Op. 39
Schumann, Robert - Parts of the compositions
Schumann, Robert - Romanzen und Balladen. Heft I (1840), Op. 45
Schumann, Robert - Romanzen und Balladen. Heft II (1840), Op. 49
Schumann, Robert - Romanzen und Balladen. Heft III (1840), Op. 53
Schumann, Robert - Romanzen und Balladen. Heft IV (1841-47), Op. 64
Schumann, Robert - Sechs Gedichte for sopran (or tenor) and piano `Aus dem Liederbuch eines Mahlers, von Reinick`, Op. 36
Schumann, Robert - Song Cycle`Dichterliebe`, Op. 48
Schumann, Robert - Vier Gesaenge fuer eine Singstimme mit Begleitung des Pianoforte (1852), Op.142 posth.
Schumann, Robert - `Myrthen` (separate songs), Op. 25
Sibelius, Jean - 5 songs for voice and piano, op. 37
Sibelius, Jean - 6 Songs for Voice and Piano, op. 36
Sibelius, Jean - 6 songs for voice and piano, op. 50
Sibelius, Jean - 6 songs for voice and piano to words by Runeberg, op. 90
Sibelius, Jean - 7 songs to words by Runeberg (1891/92), op. 13
Sibelius, Jean - 7 songs to words by Runeberg, Tavaststjerna and others (1891-1904), op. 17
Sibelius, Jean - 8 songs for voice and piano to words by Ernst Josephson, op. 57
Stanford, Charles Villiers - La belle dame sans merci
Sullivan, Arthur - Lost Accord (1877)
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - 6 romances (1887): ¹ 5 `The Fires in the Rooms Were Already Out`, Op. 63/5
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - 7 romances (1880): ¹ 1 `If Only I Had Known`, Op. 47/1
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - 7 romances (1880): ¹ 6 `Does the Day Reign?`, Op. 47/6
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - 7 Romances (1880): ¹ 7 `Was I Not a Little Blade of Grass in the Meadow?`, Op. 47/7
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Romance `My Genius, My Angel, My Friend` (Afanasy Fet) (ca. 1857-58), TH 89
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Six Romances (1869): No.1 `Do Not Believe, My Friend` (Aleksey Tolstoy), Op. 6/1
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Six Romances (1869): No.2 `Not a Word, o my Friend` (Aleksey Pleshcheyev), Op. 6/2
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Six Romances (1869): No.5 `Why?` (Lev Mey), Op. 6/5
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Six Romances (1869): No.6 `None but the Lonely Heart`, Op. 6/6
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Six Romances (1872-73): ¹ 1 `Lullaby` (A. Maikov), Op. 16/1
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Six Romances (1875): ¹ 1 `Reconciliation` (poem by N. Shcherbina), Op. 25/1
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Six Romances (1875): ¹ 2 `As Over the Burning Ashes`, Op. 25/2
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Six Romances (1875, îp. 28): ¹ 6 `A Terrible Moment`, Op. 28/6
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Six Romances (1878): No. 2 `It was in Early Spring` (A.K. Tolstoy), Op. 38/2
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Six Romances (1878): No. 3 `Amid a noisy ball` (A.K. Tolstoy), Op. 38/3
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Six Songs, poems by D. Rathaus (1893): ¹ 4 `The Sun has Set`, Op. 73/4
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Six Songs, poems by D. Rathaus (1893): ¹ 6 `Again, as Before, Alone`, Op. 73/6
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Sixteen Songs for Children (1880/83): ¹ 8 `The Cuckoo`, Op. 54/ 8
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Twelve Romances (1886): ¹ 7 The Song of Gypsy (Y. Polonsky), Op. 60/ 7
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr - Twelve Romances (1886): ¹12 `The Gentle Stars Shone For Us`, Op. 60/12
Templeton, Alec - Pocket-Size Sonata No. 1
Weber, Carl Maria von - Melody for clarinet solo or piano in F major (1811?), J.119
Wolf, Hugo - Goethe-Lieder. 2. Balladen: ¹ 3 Der Rattenfänger
Wolf, Hugo - Mörike Lieder (Heft II): ¹ 17 (5) `Der Gärtner`
Wolf, Hugo - Mörike Lieder (Heft III): ¹ 32 (8) `An die Geliebte`
Wolf, Hugo - Mörike Lieder (Heft IV): ¹ 44 (5) `Der Feuerreiter`
Wolf, Hugo - Mörike-Lieder: (Heft I): ¹10 `Fußreise`


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