Ingo Metzmacher

Ingo Metzmacher (conductor)
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Andre, Mark - riss 1, for ensemble (2016)
Andre, Mark - riss 2, for ensemble (2014)
Andre, Mark - riss 3, for ensemble (2016)
Antheil, George - Jazz-Symphony for piano and orchestra (1925)
Beethoven, Ludwig van - Cantata `Meeresstille und glückliche Fahrt` for Mixed Choir and Orchestra in D-dur, op.112
Cage, John - Piano Concerto. 1957-58., JC.143a-k
Cage, John - Sixteen Dances for flute, trumpet, four percussionists, piano, violin and cello (1950-51), JC.110
Enescu, George - Opera `Oedipe`, op.23
Goldmann, Friedrich - tensions delimited, for orchestra (1988)
Hartmann, Karl Amadeus - Symphony No. 1 `Versuch eines Requiems` (`Essay for a Requiem`) (1935-36, rev. 1954-55)
Hartmann, Karl Amadeus - Symphony No. 2 Adagio for Great Orchestra (1945-46)
Hartmann, Karl Amadeus - Symphony No. 3 (1948-49)
Hartmann, Karl Amadeus - Symphony No. 4 for String Orchestra (1946-47)
Hartmann, Karl Amadeus - Symphony No. 5 `Sinfonia concertante` (1950)
Hartmann, Karl Amadeus - Symphony No. 6 (1951-53)
Hartmann, Karl Amadeus - Symphony No. 7 for Great Orchestra (1957-58)
Hartmann, Karl Amadeus - Symphony No. 8 for Great Orchestra (1960-62)
Henze, Hans Werner - Requiem for piano, trumpet and chamber orchestra (1991-1993)
Henze, Hans Werner - Symphony ¹ 9 (1997)
Ives, Charles - A Set of Pieces for Theatre Orchestra, S. 20
Ives, Charles - Orchestral Set ¹2
Ives, Charles - Overture `Robert Browning`, S. 27
Ives, Charles - Scherzo `All the Way Around and Back` - for Chamber Ensemble (1906), S. 81
Ives, Charles - Scherzo `Over the Pavements`, S. 82
Ives, Charles - Set No. 6 for Theater Orchestra `From the Side Hill`, S. 15
Ives, Charles - Set ¹ 1 for Theater Orchestra, S. 10
Ives, Charles - Set ¹ 2 for Theater Orchestra, S. 11
Ives, Charles - Set ¹ 3 for Theater Orchestra, S. 12
Ives, Charles - Song `Aeschylus and Sophocles` for Voice, Piano & String Quartet, S.206
Ives, Charles - Symphony `New England Holidays` (1913), S. 5
Ives, Charles - The Pond (Remembrance) for Orchestra (and optional voice) (1906), S. 40
Ives, Charles - Tone Roads for Chamber Orchestra No. 1, S. 49, ¹ 1
Ives, Charles - Tone Roads for Chamber Orchestra No. 3 (1915), S. 49, ¹ 3
Ives, Charles - `From the Steeples and the Mountains` (1901), S. 65
Ives, Charles - `The Bells of Yale` - partsong for baritone, male chorus & cello (1897), S.192/1
Ives, Charles - `The Gong on the Hook & Ladder or Firemen`s Parade on Main Street` for Îrchestra (1912), S. 38
Ives, Charles - `The Rainbow` (`So May It Be!`) - for Orchestra, S. 45
Karaev, Faradzh - Der Stand der Dinge
Killmayer, Wilhelm - Zittern und Wagen, waltz for orchestra (1980)
Ligeti, Gyorgy - Atmosphères for large orchestra
Ligeti, Gyorgy - Lontano for large orchestra
Ligeti, Gyorgy - `San Francisco Polyphony` for orchestra
Lutoslawski, Witold - Funeral Music for strings (in memory of B. Bartok)
Lutoslawski, Witold - Symphony ¹4
Mahler, Gustav - Symphony No.10 in F sharp major (unfinished)
Mahler, Gustav - Symphony ¹ 7 in e-moll `Lied von der Nacht` (1904/05)
Mahler, Gustav - Symphony-cantata `Das Lied von der Erde` a for tenor, alto/baritone and orchestra (1910)
Martinu, Bohuslav - `Memorial to Lidice` for orchestra (1943), H.296
Mason, Benedict - Self-Referential Songs and Realistic Virelais, for soprano and ensemble (1990)
Messiaen, Olivier - Eclairs sur l’au-dela. 1992
Messiaen, Olivier - Saint François d`Assise, opera (1975-1979)
Nono, Luigi - Al gran sole carico d`amore. 1975
Oehring, Helmut - GOYA II - Yo lo vi, Memoratorio for boy soprano, deaf mute soloist (male), three instrumental soloists, orchestra, chorus and live-electronics (2007)
Plate, Anton - You Must Finish Your Journey Alone
Ravel, Mauãice - Piano Concerto ¹ 1 in G-dur (1929-31), M 83
Rihm, Wolfgang - Die Eroberung von Mexico, musical theatre (1987-91)
Rihm, Wolfgang - Dionysos, opera (2010)
Saariaho, Kaija - Oltra mar
Schoenberg, Arnold - `Erwartung`, monodrama for soprano and orchestra (1909), op. 17
Schubert, Franz - Oratoria `Lazarus oder Die Feier der Auferstehung`, unfinished, D 689
Schubert, Franz - Song `Abschied` (”Über die Berge zieht ihr fort”), D 475
Schubert, Franz - Song `An die Leier` (”Ich will von Atreus Soåhnen”) (Op.56/2), D 737
Schubert, Franz - Song `Atys` (”Der Knabe seufzt”), D 585
Schubert, Franz - Song `Blondel zu Marien` (”In düstrer Nacht”), D 626
Schubert, Franz - Song `Das Heimweh` (”Ach, der Gebirgssohn”) op.79/1, D 851
Schubert, Franz - Song `Der entsühnte Orest` (”Zu meinen Füssen brichst du dich”), D 699
Schubert, Franz - Song `Der Hirt` (”Du Turm!”), D 490
Schubert, Franz - Song `Der Konig in Thule` (”Es war ein Konig in Thule”) (Op.5/5), D 367
Schubert, Franz - Song `Der Kreuzzug` (”Ein Münich steht in seiner Zell”), D 932
Schubert, Franz - Song `Die Gebüsche` (”Es wehet kühl”), D 646
Schubert, Franz - Song `Frühlingsglaube` (”Die Linden Lüfte”) op.20/2, D 686
Schubert, Franz - Song `Fragment aus dem Aeschylus` (”So wird der Mann”), D 450
Schubert, Franz - Song `Heliopolis II` (”Fels auf Felsen hingewalzet”), D 754
Schubert, Franz - Song `Heliopolis I` (”Im kalten, rauhen Norden”) (Op.65/3), D 753
Schubert, Franz - Song `Meeres Stille`, D 216
Schubert, Franz - Song `Philoktet` (”Da sitz ich ohne Bogen”), D 540
Schubert, Franz - Song `Pilgerweise` (”Ich bin ein Waller”), D 789
Schubert, Franz - Song `Wanderers Nachtlied I` op. 4/3, by Goethe, D 224
Schubert, Franz - Songs `Die Götter Griechenlands (”Schöne Welt, wo bist du”) (2 versions), D 677
Scriabin, Alexander - `Poem of Ecstasy` (1907, Op. 54
Strauss, Richard - Concerto for Horn and Orchestra No.1 in Es-dur (1882-83), op. 11
Stravinsky, Igor - `Persephone`, a melodrama for the reader, tenor, chorus and orchestra (1933-34), K056
Szymanowski, Karol - Concert Overture in E major for orchestra, op. 12
Szymanowski, Karol - Stabat Mater, op. 53
Zimmermann, Bernd Alois - Opera `Die Soldaten` (1957-65)
Zimmermann, Bernd Alois - Photoptosis, Prelude for grand orchestra (1968)
Zimmermann, Bernd Alois - Sinfonia in un movimento (1951, rev. 1953)
Zimmermann, Bernd Alois - `Nobody Knows the Trouble I see` - Concerto for Trumpet & Chamber Orchestra (1954)
Zuidam, Robert - Adam - Interludes (2007/2008)

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