Boris Shtokolov

Boris Shtokolov (bass)
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Abaza, Erast Ageevitch - `Utro tumannoe` (Misty Morning), a romance (I.Turgenev)
Anonymous, - Russian Folk Music
Anonymous, - Vdol po Piterskoi, a Russian folk song
Arnold, Juriy Georgiy - Slavnoe more, svyashcheny Baikal, (D. P. Davydov, 1848)
Bakaleinikov, Vladimir - Bubentsy/Little Bells
Baron, BB - Dremlyut plakuchie ivy/Asleep weeping willows
Blanter, Matvey - In the urban garden/V gorodskom sadu
Borodin, Alexander - Opera `Prince Igor` (arias), AB 25
Bulahov, Petr - A Prayer (lyrics by M. Lermontov)
Bulahov, Petr - Shine, shine, my star
Chiara, Vincenzo di - Bolero `Proud` charm posture ...
Dargomyzhsky, Alexander - Old Corporal
Davydov, Stephan - Song
Dzerzhinskiy, Ivan - Fate of a Man, opera
Feldman, Yakov Lazarevich - Yamshchik, ne goni loshadei (`Coachman, do not whip the horses`), romance
Fomin, Boris - Dorogoi dlinnoyu, romance
Fomin, Boris - Only once in my life is meeting/Tolko raz byvaet v zhizni vstrecha
Glinka, Mikhail - opera `A Life for the Tsar` (1836; originally Ivan Susanin), CG 87
Glinka, Mikhail - Opera `Ruslan and Lyudmila` (1837-42), CG123
Gounod, Charles - Opera `Faust` (overtures, arias, fragments)
Harito, Nikolay - Withered chrysanthemum/Ottsveli khrizantemy
Hermann, Florian - Romance `Black Eyes` (`Ochi chornye`)
Iradier, Sebastin - Paloma
Lipatov, Vasiliy - Letter to Mother/Pismo k materi
Malashkin, Leonid - Ya vstretil vas (lyrics by F. Tyutchev)
Malashkin, Leonid - `Oh, if I could express in a sound`
Massenet, Jules - Mélodies (Vol. I): № 1 `Elegy` (1872)
Mikhailov, Dmitrii - Zhalobno stonet
Mussorgsky, Modest - Opera `Boris Godunov` (1868-73), MM 52
Oppel, Andrey - You Forgot
Petersburski, Jerzy - Weary Sun/Utomlennoe solntse, tango
Prigozhiy, Jakov - Noch svetla
Prozorovskiy, Boris - My tolko znakomy, romance
Prozorovskiy, Boris - Vernis, ya vse proshchu/Come back, I forgive you
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay - Opera `Sadko` (arias), op.deest 39
Rubinstein, Anton - Opera `Demon` (1871)
Rubinstein, Anton - `Persian Song`: 9. Swirling wave of ebullient Chur, op. 34/ 9
Sadovsky, Sergey - Song
Secunda, Sholom - Songs
Shashina, Elizaveta - Ballads, songs and arias
Shashina, Elizaveta - Net, ne tebya tak pylko ya lyublyu (lyrics by M. Lermontov)
Sheremetev, Boris - Ballads, songs and arias
Shishkin, Nikolay - Listen, if you want/Slushaite, esli khotite
Shishkin, Mikhail - `My Honey Lives Here`, a Russian folk song (lyrics by S. Ryskin and S. Klychkov)
Solovyov-Sedoy, Vasiliy - Song "Evening Song" ("Listen Leningrad) (Churkin)
Strock, Oscar - Ah, those black eyes/Akh, eti chernye glaza. Tango
Vasiliev, Ivan - Two Guitars (lyrics vy A. Grigoriev)
Yuriev, Eugeny - In the moonlight/V lunnom siyanii
Zinoviev, Vasiliy - Vesper-bell

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