,  (Shtokolov)
Boris Shtokolov (bass)

Golubka (Music by Sebastian Iradier, Russian text by T. Sikorskaya). Performed by Boris Shtokolov and the orchestra of the headquarters of the Leningrad Military District, conductor Nikolai Ushchapovsky.
Glorious Sea, sacred Baikal (Yu. Arnold - D. Davydov), (Russian folk song). Performed by Boris Shtokolov, accompanied by a button accordion.
In the city garden (M. Blanter - A. Fatyanov). Performed by Boris Shtokolov and the orchestra of the headquarters of the Leningrad Military District, conductor Nikolai Ushchapovsky.
Bells (V. Bakaleinikov – A. Kusikov). Performed by Boris Shtokolov, accompanied by an orchestra of folk instruments.
Evening ringing (V. Zinoviev - I. Kozlov). Performed by Boris Shtokolov, accompanied by an orchestra of folk instruments.
Two guitars (I. Vasiliev - A. Grigoriev). Russian and gypsy folk song. Performed by Boris Shtokolov, accompanied by an ensemble of folk instruments.
Weeping willows are dozing (B.B. - A. Timofeev). Performed by Boris Shtokolov, accompanied by an orchestra of folk instruments.
In the moonlight (E. Yuryev, music and lyrics). Performed by Boris Shtokolov, accompanied by piano.
Konchak`s aria from the opera ``Prince Igor``. Performed by Boris Shtokolov accompanied by piano (Sergey Yakovlev).
Ah, these black eyes (O. Strok - A. Perfilyev). Performed by Boris Shtokolov and the orchestra of the headquarters of the Leningrad Military District, conductor Nikolai Ushchapovsky.
The Tired Sun (Jerzy Petersburg - Joseph Alwek). Performed by Boris Shtokolov and the orchestra of the headquarters of the Leningrad Military District, conductor Nikolai Ushchapovsky.
Couplets of Mephistopheles from the opera Faust. Performed by Boris Shtokolov and the orchestra of the headquarters of the Leningrad Military District, conductor Nikolai Ushchapovsky.
The proud beauty of posture (Spanish bolero) (Vincenzo di Chiara). Performed by Boris Shtokolov and the orchestra of the headquarters of the Leningrad Military District, conductor Nikolai Ushchapovsky.
Boris Shtokolov (Andrei Sokolov)
Rima Barinova (Irina, his wife)
Vladimir Kravtsov (Anatoly, their son)
Konstantin Laptev (Soviet Officer)
Nikolai Bakakin (Colonel)
Ivan Alekseyev (Müller, Commander of PoW camp)
Ninel Aleksiutchits (Zina)
Kirov Opera Chorus & Orchestra,
conducted by Viktor Shirokov 1961
Letter to mother (V. Lipatov - S. Yesenin). Performed by Boris Shtokolov, accompanied by an orchestra of folk instruments.
Among the flat valley (S. Davydov - A. Merzlyakov), Russian folk song. Performed by Boris Shtokolov, accompanied by an orchestra of folk instruments.
I met you (L. Malashkin, arr. I. Kozlovsky - F. Tyutchev). Performed by Boris Shtokolov, accompanied by an orchestra of folk instruments.
Black eyes (F. German - E. Grebenka). Performed by Boris Shtokolov, accompanied by an orchestra of folk instruments.
Only once in a life does a meeting happen (B. Fomin - P. German). Performed by Boris Shtokolov, accompanied by an orchestra of folk instruments.
Steppe and steppe all around (S. Sadovsky - I. Surikov) (Russian folk song). Performed by Boris Shtokolov, accompanied by a button accordion.
I loved you (B. Sheremetyev - A. Pushkin). Performed by Boris Shtokolov, accompanied by an orchestra of folk instruments.
Oh, if only I could express it in sound (L. Malashkin - G. Lishin). Performed by Boris Shtokolov, accompanied by an orchestra of folk instruments.
December 14, 1960 (live). Leningrad, Kirov Theater. Dir. Serg. Yeltsin. Bor. Shtokolov (Boris Godunov), Valeria Lyubavina (Ksenia), Erra Krayushkina (Fedor), Lyudm. Sternum (mother), Vladimir Ulyanov (Shuisky), Const. Laptev (Shchelkalov), Mich. Chernozhukov (Pimen), Vsev. Puchkov (The Impostor), Rimma Barinova (Marina Mnishek), Ivan Alekseev (Rangoni), Lavrenty Yaroshenko (Varlaam), Savely Strezhnev (Misail), Nina Aksyuchits (shinkarka), Ivan Bugaev (the fool), Nikolai Volchkov (bailiff), Vlad
Coachman, don’t drive the horses (J. Feldman - N. von Ritter). Performed by Boris Shtokolov, accompanied by an orchestra of folk instruments.
The Old Corporal (P.Beranger V.Kurochkin).
Dear long (B. Fomin - K. Podrevsky). Performed by Boris Shtokolov, accompanied by an orchestra of folk instruments.
Come back, I will forgive everything (B. Prozorovsky - V. Lensky). Performed by Boris Shtokolov, accompanied by piano.
Evening song (V. Solovyov-Sedoy - A. Churkin). Performed by Boris Shtokolov and the orchestra of the headquarters of the Leningrad Military District, conductor Nikolai Ushchapovsky.
No, it’s not you that I love so passionately (E. Shashina - M. Lermontov). Performed by Boris Shtokolov accompanied by an orchestra.
Golden-domed Moscow (musical basis: Sh. Sekunda. Lyricist unknown). Performed by Boris Shtokolov and the Russian Color Ensemble, artistic director Alexander Ivanov.
Listen if you want (N.I. Shishkin - A. Denisyev). Performed by Boris Shtokolov, accompanied by an orchestra of folk instruments.
Chrysanthemums have bloomed (N. Kharito - V. Shumsky). Performed by Boris Shtokolov and the Russian Color Ensemble, artistic director Alexander Ivanov.
We just know each other... (B. Prozorovsky - L. Penkovsky). Performed by Boris Shtokolov, accompanied by piano.
Song of the Varangian Guest from the opera “Svdko”. Performed by Boris Shtokolov and the orchestra of the headquarters of the Leningrad Military District, conductor Nikolai Ushchapovsky.
Broadcast recording from the concert hall
You forgot (A. Oppel - P. Kozlov). Performed by Boris Shtokolov, accompanied by an orchestra of folk instruments.
April 18, 1964. Leningrad, Kirov Theater. Dir. Yuri Gamaley. Lavrenty Yaroshenko (Prince Gudal), Evgenia Perlasova (Tamara, his daughter), Boris Shtokolov (Demon), Lyudmila Grudina (Tamara`s nanny), Ivan Bugaev (Prince Synodal, Tamara`s fiance), Mikhail Chernozhukov (An old servant, then a watchman at the monastery), Ilyin (Messenger), Era Krayushkina (angel).
Iz-za ostrova na strezhen, a Russian folk song (D. N. Sadovnikov, 1847-1883)
My joy lives on (M.D. Shishkin - S. Ryskin and S. Klychkov). Russian folk song. Performed by Boris Shtokolov, accompanied by a button accordion.


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