Répons et Antiennes

Responsorien und Antiphonen (1860), S. 30 (Liszt)
I. In nativitate Domini (Christmas). Recording - May 9 10 , 1996

Responsorien und Antiphonen (1860), S. 30 (Liszt)
II. Feria V in coena Domini (Maundy Thursday). Recording - May 9 10 , 1996

Responsorien und Antiphonen (1860), S. 30 (Liszt)
III. Feria VI in Parasceve (Good Friday). Recording - May 9 10 , 1996

Responsorien und Antiphonen (1860), S. 30 (Liszt)
IV. Sabbato majoris hebdomadae (Holy Saturday). Recording - May 9 10 , 1996

Responsorien und Antiphonen (1860), S. 30 (Liszt)
V. In Officio defunctorum (The Office for the Dead). Recording - May 9 10 , 1996

Responsorien und Antiphonen (1860), S. 30 (Liszt)
Variant harmonizations. Recording - May 9 10 , 1996


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