Paride ed Elena Paris and Helen

Opera in five acts
Libretto by R. Kaltsabidzhi

The action takes place in Sparta shortly before the Trojan War.

The hero Paris is in Sparta having chosen Aphrodite above Hera and Athena sacrificing to Aphrodite and seeking with the encouragement of Erasto the love of Helen. Paris and Helen meet at her royal palace and each is struck by the other`s beauty. She calls on him to judge an athletic contest and when asked to sing he does so in praise of her beauty admitting the purpose of his visit is to win her love. She dismisses him. In despair Paris now pleads with her and she begins to give way. Eventually through the intervention of Erasto who now reveals himself as Cupid she gives way but Pallas Athene Athena now warns them of sorrow to come. In the final scene Paris and Helen make ready to embark for Troy.

Opera `Paride ed Elena` (1770), Wq.39 (Gluck)
Paride - Roberta Alexander (soprano), Elena – Claron McFadden (soprano), Amore – Dorothea Frey (soprano), Pallade – Kerstin Gianninger (soprano), Tenor-Soli – Axel-E. Hoffmann. Recording - September 13, 1991, Frankfurt (live).

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