Simon Estes (baritone)
with the participation of the Leipzig (Central German) Radio Choir. Recorded 1984
Live - 23 March 1985 - Metropolitan Opera Chorus and Orchestra
Hollander: Simon Estes, Senta: Lisbeth Balslev, Daland: Matti Salminen, Erik: Robert Schunk, Mary: Anny Schlemm, Steuermann: Graham Clark. Recorded - June 1985.
` Come, o Levite!` Ëîíäîí,àâãóñò 1987 ãîäà
`The Flash of his Smile` Ëîíäîí
` Wicked! To Anglo against me v`unite!` Ëîíäîí, äåêàáðü 1985
` She Never Loves Me` Ëîíäîí
April 1989 - with Keith Lewis - Philharmonia Chorus
` What Ever I See!` Ëîíäîí,àâãóñò 1987 ãîäà
` Uldino! Uldin!` Ëîíäîí,àâãóñò 1987 ãîäà
Live - 21 March 1978 - with Grace Bumbry, Bernd Weikl, Kurt Moll, Carl Schulz, Frieder Stricker, Gabriele Fuchs - Hamburg State Opera Chorus
` Vanne!` Ëîíäîí,àâãóñò 1987 ãîäà
` Get up!` Ëîíäîí, äåêàáðü 1985
`To You The extreme farewell` Ëîíäîí