,  (Andreae)
Volkmar Andreae (1879–1962)

Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra. Recorded in The Concert Hall, Lighthouse, Poole (Dorset), UK, June 2011.
Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra. Recorded in The Concert Hall, Lighthouse, Poole (Dorset), UK, June 2011.
Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra. Recorded in The Concert Hall, Lighthouse, Poole (Dorset), UK, June 2011.
Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra. Recorded in The Concert Hall, Lighthouse, Poole (Dorset), UK, June 2011.
Peter van Hulle · Edward Rushton
Absolut Trio
The Locrian Ensemble of London
Broadway Chamber Players April 2023.
Karen Bogardus, Flute
Orlando Wells, Violin
Artie Dibble, Viola
Garro Yellin, Cello
The Locrian Ensemble of London


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