,  (Byzov)
Andrey Byzov (Born 1953)

1. Robbers, 2.Rain, 3.Dance, 4.Prelude, 5.Gallop, 6.Nocturne
Russian-Italian Organ Duo (Elena Kalashnikova and Luca Massaglia). Recording 2017, Turin, Italy.
Sonata for balalaika and piano in 4 parts (2016). The piano part is Maria Gavrilova. Entry 2017, Yekaterinburg.
Chamber Orchestra of Yana Annenkova. First performance on September 28, 2014. B hall of the Ural Conservatory.
Shaukat Amirov (balalaika), Vitaly Derun (guitar). Fragment of a concert in Tyumen, presumably 1990
No. 1 Toccatina, No. 2 Ballet (1:40), No. 3 Replicas (3:15), No. 4 Bach`s Trip to Kostroma (5:25). The Great Hall of the Ural Conservatory. Fragment of the author`s concert on October 7, 2011.
No. 1 My mother sent me, No. 2 I`m swaying-I`m swaying 3:06, No. 3 The wind blows 5:20 Because of the bathhouse. 1977-1978. Tamara Savich and the ensemble of students of the Ural Conservatory (O.Chuvashova-domra, N.Papshoy-viola domra, A.Chuvashov-bayan, O.Sagadeev-balalaika, A.Ushakov-double bass, Z.Ilyasova-percussion). Recording of 1994
St. Mateusz Church in Pabianice (Poland), February 2016
1.Intermezzo(0:00), 2.Princess(0:47), 3.Prelude(2:06), 4.Snow Maiden(3:35), 5.Miss Joy(5:03), 6. You, Swallow(7:02), 7.Minuet(8:28), Waltz (9:45). The Great Hall of the UGC, 2004, Valery Shkarupa, f-no.
1.Round dance(0:01), 2.Like a gavotte(0:53), 3.Like a waltz(1:40), 4.Pink March(3:10), 5.Nostalgia(4:01), 6.Etude(6:30), 7.Ragtime(7:49), 8.Fate(10:04). 1995 Recording 2019, Ural Conservatory.
Nursery rhymes, sl.folk.Junior group of the Aurora choir, hands.Natalia Manchenko, orchestra Stars of the Urals, dir.Leonid Shkarupa. Recording 1994. Sound engineer Pavel Karpenko. Ekaterinburg.
1. Passport
2. Pastoral
3. The Time Keeper
4. Capriccio
Duet of flautists D. Koryagina and E. Joiner`s
2011, the Great Hall of the Ural Conservatory
In 5 parts, 2011, Ural Conservatory, Yekaterinburg
V.Tarasov and the orchestra of Folk Instruments of the Perm Tchaikovsky Music School. Conductor Vadim Fetisov.2005
Ural Conservatory, m hall named after S.S.Prokofiev, first performance. 2015
No. 1 Giraffe (A.Porsev), No. 2 Carlson (Yu.Makarov) 1:01, No. 3 At the zoo (N.Maksimchuk) 2:46, No. 4 What a walrus dreams about (B.Zahoder) 4:23, No. 5 Flower Invasion (E.Fargen) 5:27. Maria Lobanova Children`s Choir, Municipal Orchestra `BACH`, dir. Alexey Dorkin. The Great Hall of the Ural Conservatory, 2011
Wind orchestra of the Ural Conservatory. Dir. Alexey Dorkin. The Great Hall of the UGC, 11.11.2011
November 20, 2009 The Great Hall of the UGC named after Mussorgsky, a concert dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the UGC
Ural trio of bayanists (Ivan Shepelsky, Anatoly Khizhnyak, Nikolai Khudyakov). All-Union Recording Studio Melody 1982
Op. 2012, Recording 2017, Hall of the Sverdlovsk Philharmonic. Ural Youth Symphony Orchestra, dir. Alexey Dorkin. Marina Prince is reading. Ekaterinburg.
Concerto for plectrum orchestra (Preludio, Scherzo, Fugato, Pavana, Finale). Mandolin orchestra, dir. Carlos Blanco Ruiz. Recording at the concert hall Sala Cultural Caja Rioja, Najera (Spain) 2012
Concert in Pabianice (Poland). Beata Campinska and the author, 2016
Choir of the DMSH No. 12 of Maria Lobanova, orchestra Stars of the Urals, dir.Leonid Shkarupa, M.V.Lavrov Concert Hall, Yekaterinburg, 2009
1.Giraffe (0:00), 2.Mom and notebook (1:02), 3. Mouse called (2:20), 4.Shepherd boy (3:02), 5.Whiskas (4:19), poems of schoolchildren G.Sysert. Performed by the junior group of the choir Aurora of the Yekaterinburg High School No. 1. The head is Natalia Manchenko, the party is f-but Marina Kazantseva. 2000
April 2022, Su Chun (sopr), orchestra of folk instruments of the Ural Conservatory, dir. Natalia Karamysheva.
1. Departure of geese (Odlot) 2.About the kid (Kozioł


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