,  (Salmanov)
Vadim Salmanov (1912–1978)

``Twelve``, oratorio-poem for choir and symphony orchestra (1957). Words by A. Blok. 1. Wind
``Eight-line poems``. Choirs based on poems by Rasul Gamzatov (1962): 1. The Book of Life; 2. You Want to Know; 3. My Old Friend; 4. How Are You Living?; 5. Where to?; 6. The Summit.
Symphony No. 2, G major (1959): 1. Song of the forest
Symphony No. 1, D minor (1952). Honored Ensemble of the Republic Academic Symphony Orchestra of the Leningrad Philharmonic, conductor - Evgeny Mravinsky. Recorded from a concert in the Great Hall of the Leningrad Philharmonic on March 20, 1957.
Symphony No. 4, B minor (1976). Honored Ensemble of the Republic Academic Symphony Orchestra of the Leningrad Philharmonic, conductor - Evgeny Mravinsky. Recorded from a concert in the Great Hall of the Leningrad Philharmonic on January 28, 1977.
Symphony No. 3, A minor (1963). Honored Ensemble of the Republic Academic Symphony Orchestra of the Leningrad Philharmonic, conductor - Evgeny Mravinsky. Recorded from a concert in the Great Hall of the Leningrad Philharmonic on May 24, 1964.
`Rus`. Lyric choirs based on poems by Russian poets (1968): 1.Rus (Ivan Nikitin); 2.Song of the Swallow (Apollon Maikov); 3.Night (Ivan Nikitin); 4.Spring (Ivan Bunin); 5.Dawn (Apollon Maikov); 6.Autumn (Ivan Bunin); 7.Housewarming (Ivan Bunin).
Three male choirs based on poems by Nikolai Rubtsov: 1. The Old Road
Five choirs based on poems by Czech poets (1976): 1. Bayonets and helmets to be melted down (Adolf Ramm, translated by Alexey Sokolov); 2. Autumn (Miroslav Florian, translated by Moritz Sinelnikov); 3. Poetry (Milan Rufus, translated by Vladimir Britanishsky); 4. Blues about her tears (Josef Kainar, translated by Tatyana Glushkova); 5. Guitar (Miroslav Florian, translated by Pavel Glushko).
Leningrad Quartet named after. S.I.Taneeva: Vladimir Ovcharek (1st violin), Grigory Lutsky (2nd violin), Vissarion Solovyov (viola), Joseph Levinzon (cello).
Leningrad Quartet named after. S.I.Taneeva: Vladimir Ovcharek (1st violin), Grigory Lutsky (2nd violin), Vissarion Solovyov (viola), Joseph Levinzon (cello).
Three Russian songs (1968): 1. I will go out of grief; 2. Sidor Polikarpovich; 3. White blush.
Play No. 1 `Morning in the Forest`
ZKR akad Chamber Orchestra. simf. Orchestra of the St. Petersburg Philharmonic named after D. D. Shostakovich * Khud. ruk. Lazar Gozman * Recording 1976
Ленинградский квартет им. С.И.Танеева: Владимир Овчарек (I скрипка), Григорий Луцкий (II скрипка), Виссарион Соловьев (альт), Бениамин Морозов (виолончель). Запись Союза композиторов Санкт-Петербурга 1963 г.
Ленинградский квартет им. С.И.Танеева: Владимир Овчарек (I скрипка), Григорий Луцкий (II скрипка), Виссарион Соловьев (альт), Бениамин Морозов (виолончель). Запись Петербургской студии грамзаписи 1966 г.


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