,  (Mattheson)
Johann Mattheson (1681–1764)

Boris Godunov, Ruler of Moscow - Shadi Torbe (bass)
Susanne Ryden, Nele Gramß, Anne Schmid, Ulrich Cordes, Wolf Matthias Friedrich, Thilo Dahlmann. Recorded: December 20, 2008, Germany.
2018, Italy / Music publisher: Brilliant Classics
Nicki Kennedy - soprano, Ursula Eittinger - contralto, Max Ciolek - tenor, Raimonds Spogis, Christian Hilz - basses. Recorded: October 14-17, 2007.
Kantorei und Vokalensemble St. Jacobi, Cythara-Ensemble // Live-Mitschnitt der Auffuehrungen vom 10.10 und 11.10.2006 im Bucerius Kunst Forum, Hamburg
2018, Italy / Music publisher: Brilliant Classics
Mechthild Bach & Dorothee Wolgemuth (sopranos), Kai Wessel (countertenor), Wilfried Jochens & Gerd Türk (tenors), Ekkehard Abele (bass). Accademia filarmonica Köln, Motettenchor Speyer. Recorded: March 23-24, 1996, Germany.
2018, Italy / Music publisher: Brilliant Classics
2018, Italy / Music publisher: Brilliant Classics
2018, Italy / Music publisher: Brilliant Classics
Harpsichord recording for label Brilliant Classics
2018, Italy / Music publisher: Brilliant Classics
`Air` - from ``Suite No. 5 in C minor for harpsichord``. (Orchestrated by Leopold Stokowski). Recorded in the Concert Hall of New Broadcasting House, Manchester (England), October 12-13, 1994.
2018, Italy / Music publisher: Brilliant Classics
2018, Italy / Music publisher: Brilliant Classics
2018, Italy / Music publisher: Brilliant Classics


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