,  (Yekimov)
Sergey Yekimov (Born 1974)

Performers:Ekaterina Krasko (soprano), Sergey Ekimov (piano), Alexandra Gorskaya, Mikhail Topolidi (drums)
St. Petersburg State Academic Chapel named after M.I. Glinka. Author`s concert of Sergei Ekimov. Women`s choir of St. Petersburg State University of Music named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov and mixed choir of St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Culture.
Sergey Ekimov - Miserere (Composition in memory of M. Rostropovich for cello and female choir, 2007). Women`s choir of the St. Petersburg Music College named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov. Hood. hands and conductor Sergei Ekimov.
Estonian Lutheran Church of St. John, report concert of the conducting and choral department of St. Petersburg State Musical and Music College named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov. Women`s and mixed choirs, college chamber orchestra. Conductor - Nikolai Romanov. Soloists: Elizaveta Sveshnikova, Alena Boeva, Ilya Mazurov and tenor.
Junior Choir Nevsky Dominant (Glinka Art School, St. Petersburg). Elena Masalova (f-no). Performance at the festival-competition Slavic Spring (2018) - 1st place in the nomination Modern music.
Verses from the `Book of Mournful Hymns` by Grigor Narekatsi translated by Naum Grebnev. 1. The hour is coming 2. The word that you will say to me in condemnation
Recorded on May 19, 2019 at the Concert Hall of the Grechaninov Moscow Art School, CD Paints of the World


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