Tetralogy `Der Ring des Nibelungen.` Part I: Prologue - Opera `Das Rheingold` (fragments), WWV  86a (Wagner)

Richard Wagner (1813–1883)

Tetralogy `Der Ring des Nibelungen.` Part I: Prologue - Opera `Das Rheingold` (fragments), WWV 86a


Show records by: listenings count | performer's rating | alphabetical
1966 - Supraphon Studios, Prague - Excerpt: `Abendlich strahlt` and Finale

July 1904 - Hotel Sonne, Bayreuth - Excerpt: Wallala! Wallala!

1908 - Excerpt: `Vollendet das ewige werk`

March 1906 - Berlin - Excerpt: `Der Wonne seligen saal` - Pianist unknown

July 1904 - Hotel Sonne, Bayreuth - Excerpt: `Abendlich strahlt der sonne auge`

1928 - Excerpt: Erda`s Warning - Orchestra unknown

July 1904 - Hotel Sonne, Bayreuth - Excerpt: `Wer halfe mir?`

October 1907 - Berlin - Excerpt: `Immer ist undank Loges lohn!`

March 1908 - Berlin - Excerpt: `Jetzt fand` ich`s!` - Conductor and orchestra unknown

26 January 1926 - Excerpt: Finale

2 February 1926 - Excerpt: Prelude

1943 - Excerpt: `Abendlich strahlt der sonne auge`

1959 - Excerpts: Abridged Prelude, Scene 1 complete, Scene 3/4 transformation, Curse, Donner`s Summons to the Mists to end. With Helmut Melchert, Benno Kusche, Johanna Blatter, Ruth Siewert, Lise Otto, Melitta Muszely, Sieglinde Wagner

The entrance of the gods to Valhalla recorded in 1960

`The Gold of the Rhine` Fragment Invocation of Alberic and Entrance of the Gods into Valhalla, 1962 recording.

July 1913 - Berlin - Excerpt: Erda`s Warning

1939 - Excerpt: `Abendlich strahlt der sonne auge`

1919 - Excerpt: Erda`s Warning

July 1904 - Hotel Sonne, Bayreuth - Excerpt: `Sanft schloss schlaf dein aug``

22/23/25 November 1945 - Excerpt: Finale

July 1904 - Hotel Sonne, Bayreuth - Excerpt: `Die in linder lufte weh`m da oben ihr lebt`

1907 - Excerpt: Erda`s Warning - Orchestra unknown

1913 - Excerpt: `Abendlich strahlt der sonne auge` - Conductor and orchestra unknown

1966 - Excerpt: Finale

20/21 April 1961 - Excerpt: Finale

11/12 October 1968 - Excerpt: Entry of the Gods into Valhalla

Weiche, Wotan, weiche! (4 d.) Erda - K.Torborg. Dir. Karl Heinrich Riedel (1879-1946). 1940.

aria `Abendlich strahlt der Sonne Auge` from the album `Wagner Arias. Michael Volle` (2017)

Einzug der Gotter in Walhall // 26.01.1927



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