Pictures and pranks II for piano (1959), op. 41 (Jora)

Mikhail Jora (1891–1971)

Pictures and pranks II for piano (1959), op. 41


1. Mutzachi fudulu` (Mutzachi the swagger)
2. Mitz-Mitz
3. Mutzachi trage pe Mitz-Mitz de coadă (Mutzachi pulls Mitz-Mitz by the tail)
4. La colţ… (In the corner…)
5. La onomastica...Read more
1. Mutzachi fudulu` (Mutzachi the swagger)
2. Mitz-Mitz
3. Mutzachi trage pe Mitz-Mitz de coadă (Mutzachi pulls Mitz-Mitz by the tail)
4. La colţ… (In the corner…)
5. La onomastica lui Mitz-Mitz (At Mitz-Mitz`s name day)
6. Petrecere în familie (Family party)
7. A-ca-să! (At home!)

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