The first hymn of Apollo at Delphi (c. 138 BC),  (Athenaeus)

Athenaeus (Born II â)

The first hymn of Apollo at Delphi (c. 138 BC)

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Performed by the Kerylos Ensemble, conductor and director of the ensemble Annie Belis. 1996

Tempio di S. Michele Arcangelo, Perugia, Aug. 6-8, 1993

Instrumental version. PO & OP orchestra. Orchestra soloists: Philippos Tsemberoulis and Panagiotis Kaladzopoulos. Vocals: Nikos Konstantinopoulos, Panagiotis Matos, Grigoris Davranoglu, Haris Davranoglu. The head of the creative group and conductor is Christodoulos Halaris. 1996

RO & OP orchestra. Orchestra soloists: Philippos Tzemberoulis and Panagiotis Kaladzopoulos. Vocals: Nikos Constantinopoulos, Panagiotis Matos, Grigoris Davranoglu, Haris Davranoglu. The head of the creative group and conductor Christodoulos Halaris. 1996.

Kimmo Kovanen (dzouras) 2016.


Ensemble `De Organographia`: Philip Neuman (avlos, kitara, lyre, pan flute, vocals, wind instruments)


Athens Biennale, 2009


Instrumental version. Yannis Basiliou (avlos), Yannis Dobridis (askavlos, bagpipes), Stavros Kuskuridas (suravli), Francoise Bouquet (lyra, barbitos), Stavros Beris (kifara), Nestoras Drugas (crotals, timpanon, roptron) - Petros Tabouris ruk. ensembles, pandora, trigonon, pictis, hydraulics. 2002.


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